
Showing posts from September, 2019

Palo Duro Campout 2019

By Phillip Pratt Ah Palo’s Troop 451, remember us? If you don’t just think back to last year this same weekend where you decided to bestow a thunderstorm, hail, sand storm upon us. Yeah, you made us leave early and we never forget. But hey, bygones will be bygones. We aren’t a troop to quit or to be pushed around. So we return, chests out and ready. A Friday evening departure from the church took us to a familiar trek up 3E5 to Hwy 287. A rather mundane drive if you will but hey, we gotta get there. A pit stop in Childress to fuel up the vehicles and snacks for the group. On we travel to the Boy Scout Museum in Amarillo, a familiar stop for us as we travel west. The air-conditioned sleep would be our last for the next few nights, at least with cool air. Donuts, coffee, and juice were the samplings of the morning. Once cleaned up, we were off to Palo Duro except we felt the boys needed to see and experience some art so we headed to Cadillac Ranch. Spray paint in