Camp Geiger, Wednesday, July 1

We welcomed July this morning with temperatures in the 50's. Sleepy boys and adults rolled out of their cots and sleeping bags, feeling that first chill, and grabbing a jacket before heading out of their tents.

Some scouts and adults woke up before first light and headed down to Lake Richardson to go fishing for their fishing merit badge, and they had a pretty successful trip.

Every morning at the dining hall, Troop 451 has made their presence known with a song before the flag ceremony. The scouts and adults back at camp practice the song at our own flag ceremony before we take off for breakfast. Yesterday, the song was called "A Scout from Texas" where we let everyone know what makes Texas scouts different from other scouts. Today's song was " Bill Grogan's Goat", which is the story of Bill Grogan and a goat that he found, who ate what he found around camp, and through many trials and tribulations, met an untimely demise.

After breakfast each morning, there have been different competitions, and this morning's was a race around the dining hall. Boys from each troop at camp had to do 2 laps around the dining hall - all in all, it's probably a little over a quarter of a mile. Our representative was Robby B. Robby started off strong, keeping pace with his closest competitor until he disappeared around the building. When he reappeared where we could see him, he had a lead of about four lengths, until his nemesis took a bit of a shortcut, and actually came out just ahead in the first lap. Robby soldiered on, disappearing again behind the building, and when we finally saw the group again, it was Robby in first place, by long margin, taking the race and the title for Troop 451!

Camp Geiger Feature of the Day: The Canvas Tents
As you can see in the picture above, these are our sleeping accommodations. The scouts all have canvas tents, and most of the adults do also. (There are a few who had to bring their own luxury accommodations.) They heat up during the day, but there's really no one in them at that time. At night they provide a little more insulation from the, so far, cooler temperatures. No one has reported any creature visits in the middle of the night yet, but there's still time!


  1. What a wonderful blog. My brother and his son (Bruce Bielby and Noah Bielby) are on staff at Geiger, but are pretty tight-lipped about everything. And thanks for including pictures. I know the families of your Scouts appreciate knowing and seeing what their kids are doing.
    Rana Killingsworth


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