2015 Spring Break Camp - Camp Summary

2015 Spring Break Camp Out


March 7 - March 14, 2015

Camp Sites: 

  1. Monahans Sandhills State Park : (March 7/8)
  2. Big Bend National Park (Chisos Mountains Camp Site) : (March 8/13)
  3. Lake Colorado City State Park : (March 13/14)

Camp Summary

We started on time and reached Monahans State Park by 4 PM. All of us were pleasantly surprised by the size of the sand dunes. Due to a mix up in our reservation, the park officials took extra care of us and also loaned us some sandboards.

Scouts - were on top dunes in no time ..... some even woke up early to get back on them

At Monahans, one our scout members got sick. Randy had to return home, however Kevin decided to rejoin and continue to help with camp. Thank you Kevin.

Mr. Gonzalez drove the Big Red down to Big Bend, while Kevin was taking care of Randy.

And our camp Site ... surrounded by Chisos Mountains -

We setup camp and headed down the "Window Trail".  This is the view of the Window from our camp site.

Window Trail

Difficulty: Moderate;
Distance:, 5.6 miles round trip

We started the trail from the camp site. Some of the pictures from the camp.

Next day on the plan was the trek to Emory Peak. Every one but me went on the trail. 

Emory Peak

Difficulty: Strenuous; 
Distance: 10.5 miles round trip
The team started at the camp, which added another 1 mile to the total of 10.5 miles.  The highest point in the Chisos Mountain range is Emory Peak at 7,825 ft (2,385 m) above sea level. The team divided themselves into three groups : Fast, Medium and Slow and set out for a full day hike !

Well, everyone came back to the camp safe, tired and exhausted, but with a sense of accomplishment / achievement.

Rio Grande Village Tour

Well the tough part was over, the next two days were planned sight seeing. First day was the trip to Rio Grande Village. Tour Stops included
  1. Hot springs historic district
  2. Bath in the Hot Springs
  3. Trek to Rio Grande Village on Hot Springs Trail ( Moderate, Length 3 Miles )
  4. Drive to Rio Grande Overlook
  5. Drive to Boquillas Canyon Overlook and Trek down to the river
What we anticipated to be short day turned into a full day activity. 


Hot Springs trail, though longer than expected, gave us magnificent views of the Rio Grande river. Here are some spectacular views

 @Rio Grande Overlook and Boquillas Canyon Overlook.

Last sight seeing event of the day : Trek down to River at Boquillas Canyon...

Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive

Next day was more of  "Sight Seeing". Down the "Ross Maxwell" Scenic Drive. Stops for the day

  1. View of the Window from the west side of Chisos Mountains
  2. Homer Wilson Ranch Overlook
  3. Sotol Vista Overlook
  4. Mule Ears View Point ( Had Lunch Here )
  5. Tuff Canyon
  6. Castalon Historic District
  7. Santa Elena Canyon
  8. Trek to River at Santa Elena Canyon
Wednesday was spent mostly in the vehicles, with a very short walk to the river at Santa Elena Canyon. Here are some pictures from the day !

View of the "windoow" from west side of canyon

@desert view at Homer Wilson Ranch Site. This is was also the place we caught 3G, used it later in the day to post a blog/pictures !

View of the Mule Ears from the view point.

and offcourse - it was lunch time already !

Group Picture at Tuff Canyon overlook. 

We reached the Castolon Historic District. Some of the equipment used to process cotton is still there view.

Finally - @Santa Elena Canyon area;

We reached the camp site by 6 PM and QM staff got busy with Dinner Plans

Horse Back Riding

Thursday was an early start day, as we had to be at the stables by 8:15 AM. We divided into two groups. The morning group rode the horses from the stables to our lunch point. The afternoon group rode the horses back to stables. For most of us it was the first time, we also had a few pro's in the group ! All the rules that apply when driving a car also apply to when riding the horses, especially No Texting while Driving !!!!"

Here are some pictures from the morning group !

After ride, it was time to start packing ! but wait .... whats without some more activity !

Other Major Camp Activity


Sunday, Monday, Tuesday evenings we had showers in the evening, so wednesday under clear skies we had our campfire with Lantern's as a substitute for real fire due to burn ban ! Ayrton was the MC, and it looks like we have a budding MC for future of "Oscars" in our group

here some pictures from the skits

Werewolf Game

On thursday evening scouts played the Werewolf game. Not sure what the outcome was ! but sure was fun watching the scouts play werewolf game.... SPL for the day, Stephen Lampe was the game master !

Star Gazing ( Astronomy )

Mr. Garg was popular with Scouts.  Using his binoculars, he showed the scouts different stars and planets. Some how I was not around the camp at the time so do not have any pictures ! 

Personally, Just looking at the stars with Naked Eye, was plenty. Planet Venus was looking like huge shiny rock ! 


Frisbee, Soccer, Football, throwing rocks ( Oops ! did I really say it .. ) and more ...  plenty of fun

Junior Park Ranger

Alex Tyson started work to become a junior park ranger and by the time we were done with the week, we probably have over 10 Junior Park Rangers in the troop !


Kush Garg celebrated his birthday with troop ! Every one enjoyed the his birthday cake's


Mr. & Mrs. Kral celebrated their anniversary on the last day of the trip. Here is a picture from "Cracker Barrell".

Flag Retirement

At Lake Colorado City State Park, our troop had a retirement of flag ceremony led by Stephen Lampe. Scouts were all in Class A's and we joined a webelos camp for the event.

On our way back we stopped @ Lake Colorado City State Park. Every one had showers ... and a calm night.

We were off early, had breakfast in Cracker Barrel @ Abilene and were off to Dallas. We came back as planned - reached Flower Mound by 2:30 PM.

Truly amazing work by leaders at Troop 451 who planned, orchestrated the whole event, and parents who supported the leaders. Special Mention for Alex Adams and Chad Kral, who prepared deserts for the whole week ! Everyone loved the deserts ! and off course Mr. Kral - not sure how you plan for 27 folks for 8 days but the food was just Yummy !

A truly amazing week !  personally ... no cell phones, no emails, no technology ... just nature was real break from life.  and Now back to life !! 


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