Camp Geiger Friday, July 2, 2021

 Sun is up....time to eat....merit badge again...more merit badge classes.....dinner time.....was hot all almost over.  

The end

Sorry ladies a land gentleman...all I have for you today.

Nah...I can’t do that to you, but like many the end of camp offers a chance to really reflect on how much fun this trip yes, but exhausting at the same time.  We are currently driving the 2 trucks with trailers and a bus full of scouts back to Texas.  This morning as the camp woke the realization that camp is almost over sets in.  The scouts and adults started packing up their footlockers, cots, backpacks, etc.  All of the scouts and adults worked diligently to get everything packed into the trailers and to get ready for the bus.  It is a bit chaotic but we always seem to get it done.  Once packed up the Mic-o-say tribe members met one last time before we left camp.  The scouts all met back at the flag area near the dining hall for closing ceremonies.  

Troop 451 was very well represented with Seth Hawkins, Fahim Chowdhury, Swapan Sarkar, Phillip Pratt, Mark Lampe, and Ben Grantonic  all received their Scoutmaster merit badge.  The troop was also awarded the sharpest unit, marking us as the best dressed in camp.  A few individual awarded as well.  Zachery Penny got the best photograph award awarded to the scout that took the best photo by those taking the photography merit badge.  He also was awarded the archery award for getting a score of 91 out of 100, a true marksman.  And to round out the award ceremony the spirit stick was awarded to Troop 451.  This award is the most sought after at camp Geiger signifying the troop that best shows the most enthusiasm, positivity,  and support during the week.  In my 3 years attending camp Geiger, we have won this award every year and it’s not hard to see why.  The scouts, from first years to young adults always try to lead by example and just have fun.  That’s what this place is all about, just having fun    Singing, dancing, cheering when you win, being respectful and gracious if you fall short.  But in the end, it’s about helping these boys grow up to be men.  Great men.

The trucks left earlier than the bus but a miscommunication with the electronics had us wait a few minutes while we were fueling.  The electronics the scouts were to get back on the bus was traveling with a truck.  We waited a few minutes for the bus to catch up so there wouldn’t be a mutiny onboard.  Back on the road the trucks headed south with the bus behind us.  

Another Troop 451 tradition  on the return home is a stop for lunch at Pizza Ranch in Emporia, KS.  A pizza buffet with a very ample salad bar.  In the realm of pizza buffets, the quality here is above average in my opinion.  Usually set back in a semi private room, pizza upon pizza are devoured.  The bus ride after Pizza Ranch is usually a lot quieter as the boys will play with their electronics, watch a movie, or catch up on much needed sleep.  

We are approximately 2 hours from getting back home and as we drive it’s nice to reflect about the last week.  Always sad to leave, but I just begin the countdown until the next time we get to come back.  It’s such a special place that you truly have to experience to understand it completely.  All of the adult leaders here have attempted to bring Geiger to you as much as we can with pictures, live video feeds, this blog, etc.  I implore anyone that can to give it a shot at least once.  It’s a magical place that holds a huge spot in my, as well as countless others, hearts.

Thank you to all that have made the time to read my musings, I hope it helped show a small glimpse in the day of your scouts.


  1. Perfect writing Mr.Pratt. Me and some others read through all the days on the way home and shared moments of reflection and laughter. Thank you

    1. Thank you very much for saying that. I had a blast doing it and cant wait to do it again.

  2. are you the ones that brought covid to camp?

  3. Hope you guys contact pizza ranch!


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