Pow-wow 2021

 On our way back from Mic-o-say Pow-wow 2021. One of the perennial events of the tribe, usually on one of the first weekends of August.  New braves that have been tapped In summer, boys that have been in for years or adults (newly tapped or seasoned tribesman).  All are welcome to enjoy a weekend full of Mic-o-say activities, education, dance and costume contests and an overall great time.

Pow-wow is the first special event that the new braves will get to experience.  It’s a n introduction into Mic-o-say where they learn some dances, costuming, and the beginnings of being a tribesman.  Conclave is usually held in early January and the main difference is that it’s held at an offsite facility.  The braves have had a number of months to get acclimated to things, begin costume work along with the chants/dances.   Feast is the last event of the year where the tribe prepares for the final weeks before summer camp.

This year we had a number of new braves join us:  Max Brooks, Christian Woehler, and Landon Pratt all made the drive up accompanied by Will Harris, Thomas Sorensen, Richard Covington, Mark DiCiaccio, Gary Lueking and myself.  

Friday morning we met at the church at 8:00am to load up the trucks and head out.  Being the first event for the braves, they were without costumes but fortunately the tribe has enough regalia to help the boys until they are able to build their own.  May of us have made this trip many times (some waaaay more than others) so the extended drive to a Geiger isn’t anything new.   It’s still long and flat…nothing has changed since June FYI.  Copious amounts of junk food and more junk food for the journey were at our disposal.  Once we got to the campgrounds we registered for the weekend and headed to the bunkhouse (where staff memebers usually sleep) to set up bedding and stretch our legs.  Air conditioning and bathrooms mere feet away from your bunk makes it an easy weekend.  With the trading post open, a slushy or 300 maybe have been consumed.  Friday night is the first pow wow event where the boys dress out according to their rank and will participate in a costume contest.  After the contest, the youth are offered popcorn and s’mores as they play a movie in the big screen.  Lottle Giants was this years selection at football was the theme of this years pow wow.

Saturday is the main day of the weekend where after flag ceremony and a breakfast of biscuits and gravy the new braves went to their “Trail to braves” class followed up by some dance instruction classes.  The adults led by Mr Covington, Mr Leuking, and Mr DiCiaccio led the adult regalia session to help assist the new adults learn how to costume not only their costumes, but also teach their new braves and tribesman.  

An outdoor picnic style lunch of hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, cookies was served.  The braves headed down to their last class, braves block.  Meanwhile the adults finished up the last couple of hours on instruction leading on how to create headbands, chokers, breach cloths, bead work etc.  

Before dinner the tribesman had an opportunity to attend and participate in the “traders midway.”  One of the more popular activities of pow wow, they are encouraged to walk up and down the midway looking to fade their items for things they want.  Beads, leather, feathers…you name it, it may be there.   Then it’s all about the art of the trade.  Though many adults there are there just to help get the new braves started with a gift to get started.  La don started with some scrap leather and 2 hours later ended up setting up his own table with all of the goodies he had bartered.  

A small break before dinner was fried chicken, green beans, “cheesy potatoes” (those who have been to Geiger when Dee Dee was cooking…you know) Icecream bar for dessert.

The Saturday night pow wow is the main event of the weekend.  Unfortunately there is a some weather coming later in the evening so things are a bit expedited but not rushed.  The boys dress out again to compete in the dance competitions, be it traditional or fancy.  So each rank has the opportunity to dance alongside their tribesman of similar rank.  Top 4 of each group are tapped to go to the final round. Sometimes it’s difficult to get the new braves out there to dance as they are very new into the tribe and don’t feel that they know enough.  Typically some explanation

that no other brave has any experience as well calms their apprehensions.  But I will say that all 3 of of new braves didn’t need any coaxing at all.   All of them danced and participated in both competitions.  That is a big step and all should be very proud of them.  During the ceremony the white coup society held a raffle for the braves….Max won a bag of face paints, Christian won a neck bustle kit and Landon won a gift certificate to the Inner circle trading post.  

Announcing the winners of the competitions as the night went on.  Christian Woehler took 1st place in the new brave fancy dance costume contest.  Landon Pratt took 3rd place in the new brave traditional dance competition.   Yours truly even took home 2nd place in the 21 and over adult costuming competition.  

All of the boys did an amazing job to crawl out of their comfort zones and not only participate but to really embrace the event.  They had a blast and be ready because when they get home, the costume building bug has gotten ahold of them.  

A special thanks to Will Harris for his assistance in helping getting the braves ready each night.  From explaining basic rules, costume repairs, even donating parts of his to help the braves be able to participate.   

And Thomas Sorensen…well.  He’s a keeper of the sacred bundle now.   So who knows what he did, i asked  and he tells me “I did keeper things”.    At least he’d show up for food….lol   But thank you to him for helping Andrew Smith keep track of the awards and ribbons for all of the competitions for the weekend.

We finished before the rain came and all was well.  Packed up for trip back home and fall asleep.

If you missed pow wow this year, don’t be too upset but I would encourage you to come to conclave this January.  Don’t want to take my word for it?   Ask the boys that went, they will tell you.

Anyways, my fingers hurt from typing and I need a nap.  

How How!!!


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