Wednesday night, June 28th, 2017

After dinner, comes the highlight of the evening: the campfire. Campers and families were treated to an array of songs, skits, and a dramatic recital. Troop 451 was well-represented among the entries. (In order of appearance, Zach Penny, Matthew Breding, Dylan Breding, Aarya Patel, Jake Mahdak, and Eli Sandefer presented "Movie Night" before an appreciative audience. Similarly-well-received was "Wolf," whose cast included Aidan Zentner, Jai Nagenini, Julian Razavi, Kevin Koonce, and Ryan Bussey (among others; your correspondent was occupied elsewhere and was unable to get the complete cast list - omissions will be corrected). Both groups of our Scouts deserve accolades for speaking loudly and clearly (and making hilariously-appropriate facial expressions that were clear several rows away) while presenting an entertaining diversion.

Our adults too had entries. Paul Williams wrote lyrics and arranged the music for several Scout/Camp Geiger-themed songs and he, along with Chris Samson, Kevin Bryant, and another of our adults performed them for an appreciative crowd. The "Troop 451 Road Song" generated an enthusiastic response that included somewhat rhythmic clapping along by the eager audience. Another piece, focused on a familiar physical feature of Camp Geiger followed, to similar reception. The singers then launched into a medley of songs with Scouting themes. A song about the Big COPE Tower was especially enjoyed by the COPE staff.

Our Scouts who are braves and warriors in the Tribe of Mic-O-Say joined their peers from other Troops in performing several traditional dances for the crowd, with the council ring lit only by firelight. Among the dancers were Alex Jansen, Alex Tyson, Nick Jansen, Randy Lee, and Will Harris. Other members of Troop 451 and the Tribe of Mic-O-Say served in the prestigious capacity of Tom Tom beater. This was another crowd-pleasing performance as these braves and warriors enacted a buffalo (bison) hunt. As dramatic as the dances were in the firelight, those lucky enough to return tomorrow for the Tapping Ceremony are in for an even greater treat! Tune in tomorrow!!

Posts for tomorrow and Friday may be somewhat delayed as these days are thoroughly packed with camp and tribal activities.  Bear with your humble correspondent and the posts will appear, if somewhat more slowly than might perhaps be ideal.

And so to cot.


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