Camp Geiger, 2017 - We Have Arrived!

Sunday, June 25th, 2017

The intrepid men of Troop 451 traveled many hours through the dark of night to arrive at Camp Geiger early this morning. Along the way, there were the traditional stops at Love's Truck Stop just outside Oklahoma City and a stop for a nutritious and, oh-so-delicious breakfast at an internationally famous restaurant. Nick Jansen told your correspondent that a highlight of the trip up was stopping at Love's and procuring a pouch of Sour Patch Kids. He also enjoyed breaking his fast with a tasty Egg McMuffin and hash browns. He further reported that the lack of cup-holders on the bus was a definite 'minus'. He had the wet shirt that demonstrated why.

Jack Tyson was sorry that the buses departed somewhat after the anticipated time, as this left less time to enjoy the movies that accompany a ride on a Village Tours bus. Movies from the Harry Potter franchise were a popular choice but, as the medium available was Blu-Ray, these could not be enjoyed as desired. The advance of technology is not without the occasional drawback.

The first order of business for the day was setting up our campsite. The advance crew had kindly unloaded all the gear from the truck so it was relatively easy for each camper to collect their week's possessions and get to making our camp their home for the week. A wizened veteran of 16 summers at Camp Geiger with Troop 451 remarked that he had never seen the troop settle into camp so quickly and efficiently!

The first day of camp is filled with various necessary procedures, such as checking in with medical forms and taking the BSA swimmer certification test. Julian Razavi rated the bus ride 7 out of 10 but enjoyed visiting the Flaming Crow Trading Post once these details had been completed. He is looking forward to his Woodcarving and Cooking merit badge courses and allowed as how he is really looking forward to stopping at Pizza Ranch in Emporia, Kansas, on the journey homeward.

Kevin Koonce considers the time to socialize as a highlight of the trip up. He was especially enthusiastic to be in a new campsite. After the past four years of being in Sioux Lookout/Arapaho, he finds the change refreshing. He anticipated enjoying his Life Saving merit badge class the most.  Zach Penny similarly rated the togetherness of the troop at camp as a big plus. Asked about the trip up, he related that he had flown up from Houston, First Class! He feels that the Pottery merit badge will be the most fun.

After these activities, Scouts and Scouters enjoyed some free time to play cards or ball until time to dress for dinner. At Geiger, we wear our 'activity uniform" (the erstwhile "Class B" of years past) most of the day: for breakfast, classes, Lunch, more classes, and during any free time or other activities, such as dance practice. For dinner, however, the Scouts, Scouters, and staffers on camp don their BSA field uniform (known to many of us as "Class A").

Troop 451 is a full-uniform troop, from the tips of our toes (official BSA Scout socks) to the tops of our heads (the new Troop 451 caps), and everything in between (Scout pants, shirt, red Troop 451 T-shirt, troop neckerchief, and, most often, our signature red 'woggle' neckerchief slide). Our Scouts wear their uniforms proudly.

Once again, this year, we were not the only troop on camp who values a sharp, uniform appearance. Troop 21 is a very sharp unit and we were by no means certain to continue our tradition of being awarded "Sharpest Unit" for the evening. The winner of this coveted recognition may display their troop's flag in the dining hall throughout the following day.

As your correspondent has reported many times before, we were delighted to be selected as the "Sharpest Unit" for the first night of camp. Being part of a great unit never gets old.

After dinner and a brief break, all the troops on camp gathered in the handicraft corral area to assemble for the first campfire of this, the third session of the Camp Geiger 2017 season. Once together, the troops proceed, single fire to the Council Ring itself. Set ona curving hillside, the location is almost a natural amphitheater. Long lines of limestone blocks, marching up the slope in concentric arcs, provide seating for the assembled audience.

This first campfire was, as ever, an entertaining introduction to the 2017 Camp Geiger staff. Even though the program began at 8:00 pm, there was plenty of light for the event. Even by the close of ceremonies, there was still plenty of light in the western sky. Many Scouts and Scouters retired to their troops' campsites while members of the Tribe of Mic-O-Say repaired to wherever tribesmen repair to do what tribesmen do on the first night of camp.

Then after a long day, out-of-doors in the pleasant Missouri weather, everyone, save this author, turned in. Now he must as well, and so to cot.


  1. No pictures in this post (though your words make me feel like I can see the place!), and I think I know why: No WiFi at Geiger means everything is loading from your hot spot. With 2 kids away for the summer, our data plan is taking a beating!


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