The 2017 Season Draws To A Close

A few folks from Troop 451 wended their way Northward to (among other things) participate in sixth session ceremonies. This session, the last of the 2017 camping season at Camp Geiger, many fewer Scouts attended camp and the tapping ceremony was correspondingly smaller though not subdued.  The descriptions I have written before still apply, if to fewer participants.

The size of the crowd notwithstanding, it was a great spectacle of pomp and circumstance. As is our wont, Our troop was well represented.

Those from Troop 451 in attendance were staffer Alex Adams (Runner Speaks With Man), Ben Bryant (Runner Coyote Mandan), Kevin R. Bryant (honorary Warrior Coyote Mandan), Elliot Covington (Keeper of the Sacred Bundle Iron Wheel), staffer Ellis Covington (KSB Little Iron Wheel), Richard Covington (Medicine Man Big Iron Wheel), Kaleb DiCiaccio (KSB Little Three Lakes), Mark DiCiaccio (Sachem Three Lakes), Andrew Gonzalez (Runner Little War Flight), staffer Ayrton Harried (Fire Builder Spirit Bow), staffer Chad Kral (Runner Little Village Blade), staffer Jay Jay Rawson (Tom tom Beater Little Spirit Paint), Rob Rawson (HW Spirit Paint), staffer Andrew Turner (Runner Swift Turn), and Wes Williams (KSB Little Proud Flight).


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