Saturday morning, July 1st, 2017

We rose circa 6:15 this morning to strike camp and load up our gear. Assistant Scout Masters Chris Samson and Gary Lueking ably directed those Scouts who returned to camp after the closing fire last night. They disassembled and packed the Troop 451 gateway and the two dining covers that we erected last Sunday. Along with similar duties performed, these folks really gave us a big start on today's labors. Those of us who were occupied elsewhere last night offer a huge "Thank you!" for their good efforts.

Without the spur of an oncoming storm, packing up went more slowly this year than last but it nevertheless went well. Once our gear was appropriately stowed for the trip home, we broke our fast with the traditional Saturday morning cinnamon rolls for which the Camp Geiger kitchen is justly famous.

We attended closing ceremonies at 9:30. We were pleased to be recognized with the award for the Cleanest Campsite of the Session. We also tied for the Spirit award with Troop 21 from Saint Joseph, Missouri. While we were disappointed not to win the award for being the Sharpest Unit of the Session, knowing what a truly sharp outfit Troop 21 is makes the results more bearable. Sometimes, you just can't win it all. This simply gives us a target for next year! In any event, we maintained our tradition of being a sharp troop that keeps its campsite in ship-shape order.

We are  now wending our weary ways across Kansas on our way to Texas and home! This post must be brief yet information-packed.

Friday night , June 30th, 2017, was yet another great night for Troop 451 and the Tribe of Mic-O-Say! We gathered on  a pleasantly cool July evening to celebrate the accomplishments of our fellow tribesmen and, especially, the members of our troop. Our Scouts and Scouters who are actively involved in our Troop and the Tribe of Mic-O-Say earned many important advancements last night. Briefly, advancements include:

New Braves:
Ryan Bussey - Little Fast Lynx
Will Harris - Little Crazy Talk
Matthew Richards - Laughing Rock
Daniel Wallace (guest from Troop 109) - Watchful Words
Jonathan Wallace (guest from Troop 109) - Laughing Words
Aidan Zentner - Wolf Shadow

New Honorary Warrior:
Doug Mahdak - Guards Copperhead

Braves to Warriors:
Alex Jansen - Least Water Story
Nick Jansen - Little Water Story
Randy Lee - Sacred Path

Warriors to Fire Builders:
Brant Goodrich – Stands for Man
Ayrton Harried – (staffer) Spirit Bow
Nick Harris – Crazy Talk
Thomas Sorensen – Little Red Coyote
Alex Tyson – Stands by Fire

Fire Builders to Tom Tom Beaters
Ian Hollenshead – Little Diving Eye
Jay Jay Rawson – (staffer) Little Spirit Paint
Jack Tyson – Takes Many Feathers

Tom Tom Beaters to Runners
Alex Adams – Speaks with Man (staffer, advanced first session)
Ben Bryant – Coyote Mandan
Drew Gonzalez – Little War Flight
Neetin Khadka – Sacred Mask
Chad Kral – (staffer) Little Village Blade

Runners to Keepers of the Sacred Bundle:
Ellis Covington – (staffer) Little Iron Wheel
Kaleb DiCiaccio – Little Three Lakes
Wes Williams – Proud Flight

Congratulations to all our Troop 451 Mic-O-Say tribesmen!!

A note on Tribal names: You may have surmised that there is typically a convention to the way these names are given. The first member of a family is given a name based on some distinguishing characteristic or experience. For example, let’s say a Scout is inducted into the Tribe and given the name “Soaring Eagle.” Then, perhaps, his younger brother is inducted in a later year. That second family member of the same generation would be called "Little Soaring Eagle". If their father were next inducted, he would be "Big Soaring Eagle". Their mother might be inducted as "Ina Soaring Eagle" ("ina" means "mother of") . A still younger brother would be "Least Soaring Eagle". When a parent is inducted before a son, it is they who receive the unmodified base-name (e.g. "Fierce Badger"). The first son inducted then becomes “Little Fierce Badger”, while a second would be “Least Fierce Badger.” This pattern continues through "Small", "Smaller", etcetera. It can get very interesting (and a bit confusing) when a grandson is inducted.

While the convention is not absolute, most names bestowed by the Tribe of Mic-O-Say follow these patterns.

Next stop Lewisville!!


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