Saturday's Alright!!

Friday night marked another suite of signal successes for Troop 451.  Despite threatening weather, the Tribe of Mic-O-Say conducted the traditional ceremonies to welcome new members into the tribe. All of our candidates successfully completed their "ordeals". We were proud to see the Tribe welcome them as its newest braves and honorary warriors.

Our four new Mic-O-Say braves are
Austin Reid -  Brave Climbing Fox
Jake Mahdak - Brave Little Guards Copperhead
James Morales - Brave Looks Through Nation
Robby Paul - Brave Fights Like Falcon

And Five new honorary warriors
Gregory Hayden - Honorary Warrior Ate (ah-DAY) Man
Lance Brooks - Honorary Warrior Paints Fire
Phillip Pratt - Honorary Warrior Cherokee Horse
Shelly Koonce - Honorary Warrior Tawicu (dah-wee-chue) Guards Falcon
Tara Koonce - Honorary Warrior Cuwitku (chew-weed-ku) Guards Falcon

"Tawicu" (dah-wee-chue) means "wife of" in the Lakota Siouxan language and "Cuwitku" (Chew-weed-ku) means "daughter of." “Ate” (ah-DAY) means “father.”

In a first for Troop 451, every single member of the Koonce Clan has been tapped into the Tribe of Mic-O-Say! Former Troop 451 Eagle Scout/SPL/Geiger staffer James Koonce (Keeper of the Sacred Bundle Little Guards Falcon) was on hand to enjoy the ceremony and celebrate with his family.

We also had braves advance to being mighty warriors in the tribe.
Kevin Koonce - Warrior Least Guards Falcon

Warrior to Fire Builder
Will Harris - Fire Builder Little Crazy Talk

Tomtom Beater to Runner
Nick Harris - Runner Crazy Talk
Thomas Sorensen - Runner Little Red Fox

Runner to Keeper of the Sacred Bundle
Ben Bryant - KSB Coyote Mandan
Alex Adams - KSB Talks With Man

Honorary Warrior Big Coyote Mandan (Kevin Bryant) was awarded the coveted White Coup of Service for his efforts on behalf of Troop 451, the Tribe, and Scouting.

A note on Tribal names: From reading the above list, you may have surmised that there is typically a convention to the way these names are given. The first member of a family is given a name based on some distinguishing characteristic or experience. For example, let’s say a Scout is inducted into the Tribe and given the name “Soaring Eagle.” Then, perhaps, his younger brother is inducted in a later year. That second family member of the same generation would be called "Little Soaring Eagle". If their father were next inducted, he would be "Big Soaring Eagle". Their mother might be inducted as "Ina Soaring Eagle" ("ina" means "mother of"). A still younger brother would be "Least Soaring Eagle".

When a parent is inducted before a child, it is they who receive the unmodified base-name (e.g. "Fierce Badger"). The first son inducted then becomes “Little Fierce Badger”, while a second would be “Least Fierce Badger.” This pattern continues through "Small", "Smaller", etcetera. It can get very interesting (and a bit confusing) when a grandson is inducted. As noted above, the wife of a tribesman becomes Tawicu Fierce Badger, for example, while a daughter is Cuwitcu Fierce Badger.

Bugging Out

You undaunted Scouts and Scouters of Troop 451 rose circa 6:15 this morning to strike camp and pack up their gear. Scout Master Steve Kral and Assistant Scoutmaster Jim Koonce ably directed loading the white trailer. Jim is the past master of "footlocker Tetris" and one may rightly be surprised how much he can fit comfortably into the small confines of that vehicle.

This is our second trip to Camp Geiger without the capacious rental truck that we have used for many years. Again, packing up went more slowly than some previous years but it nevertheless went well.  Many of the bulkier of loose items were stowed under the bus, once it arrived a little before 10:00 AM.

Most of the boys pitched-in to one degree or another. Once our gear was appropriately stowed for the trip home, we demolished the trays of the traditional Saturday morning cinnamon rolls for which the Camp Geiger kitchen is justly famous.

After a brief detour to Tribal Grounds to welcome our newest tribesmen, we attended closing ceremonies at 9:30. We were pleased to be recognized with the award for the Sharpest Unit of the Second Session. We also garnered the Cleanest Campsite recognition. We once more completed a sweep of the Geiger "Triple Crown" by winning the Spirit award. This recognizes the unit with the greatest Scout Spirit in camp this week. Being a truly sharp outfit is our goal. It is all the sweeter when Troop 451 gets recognized for these characteristics. This gives us another high bar for next year! In any event, we maintained our tradition of being a sharp troop that keeps its campsite in ship-shape order while displaying outstanding Scout spirit.

Now we are wending our truly weary way back towards Texas, a soft bed, and a real shower!

See you all soon!


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