Camp Geiger Monday, June 20

The first day school…Mondays at camp Geiger always carried that first day of school vibe.  Meeting the merit badge counselor, new friends, mapping class locations…and slushies (they have slushies in school right?)   Today is not the first calendar day of camp Geiger but it is when merit badge programming begins.  

First call is at 6:4am with revile is played at 7:00am.  A much needed nights rest for the troop, scouts and leaders alike.  Taking a look across the faces of the troop last night, you could just tell it was an experience we had all gone through.  It was hot for most of the day but Monday offered a token of redemption.  Partly cloudy with the temperature hitting at a picturesque 70 degrees with a perfect breeze.   I sauntered up to the pavilion, coffee cup in hand to enjoy a fine cup of hot water poured over burnt beans.  Our coffee bar started as a quick joke that has not morphed into a full blown franchise.  I assume Starbucks will buy us out any day now.  The troop is ready to head down to the flag plaza for flag ceremony and then breakfast.  

French toast sticks, sausage links and assorted cereals were offered along with fruit milk and juice.  A song and game where one of our scouts, Drew Grantonic was chosen to play a game where a prize was behind door number 1, 2 or 3.  Door number 1 was the choice, after much (not so much) deliberation.  Door 3 was opened to reveal a rock.  Now we have a shot….that ice cream certificate from the trading post was practically in his grasp.  Alas, Drew did not emerge as the victor and completed his walk of shame back to the tables.  But as always, with a huge smile on his face.  

The scouts were then heading off to their first class of the day.  Veteran scouts scampering off with their packs, notebooks or any other pre-requisite materials.  The new scouts were led to their Trail to First Class session down in Robidoux Outpost.  The class covers the first half of the day for the first years as their primary focus is to help develop and guide them to get a solid grasp of scouting by living the scout oath and law.  

There is always a quiet hush that falls over camp when the scouts are in their classes.  The adults are busy organizing the pavilion, or working on planning their day or maybe drinking a gallon of coffee (if you know, you know)  But now we all do that with a golden silence that must be tried at least once to appreciate.  

Lunch arrives and we are treated to a Michelin star level menu of chili dogs, potato chips and a salad bar.  Ok…maybe that’s a bit of a stretch but when you are starving, a hot dog can taste like wagyu.  After lunch the first, cleanest campsite, award is announced.  Cue the broken record, Troop 451 stands out again with a score of 101. (Out of 100 scale…gotta love those bonus points). 

The scouts are surprised with a delivery of trading post care packages.  Those who ordered packages to be delivered directly from camp Geiger had their chance.  Slushie tokens, candy, shirts, all sorts of Geiger swag to help glow up their drip.   Yes…I’m old and had to look that up.  If you had to…then you are in the same boat.  

Classes pushed on while some adults worked, some napped, some hiked and some just hung out, soaking it all in.  At 5:00, classes are over for the day where the scouts can enjoy a bit of free time…and by that I mean spending their aforementioned slushies tokens at the trading post.  A few housekeeping notes and we are off to dinner…in our class B’s which everyone loves because…well…they are comfortable.

Pulled pork nachos were the centerpiece of tonight’s culinary experience.  (Anyone save any of those French toast Sticks from this morning?). Once again the salad bar saves me…think this place is turning me into a vegetarian.  Deep in the heart of Texas is played over the sound system there and being not being deep in the heart of Texas….there were some looks.   Ok.  A lot of looks.  Don’t they know you have to clap?   It’s ok, we tried to teach them.   More looks.

After dinner, the round of Monday care packages were handed out to the scouts who were anxiously awaiting the goodies, money and letters from their family.  Care package time is always a special one young and old alike.  Big or small…a lot or just a few items.   It doesn’t matter, it’s good to hear your name called.  I’m 44 and I still listed to hear my name. (0/1   Maybe tomorrow)

Evening activities around camp as there is no major activity scheduled so it’s great time to relax and be a kid.  Day 1 is in the books and it was close to being a perfect day.  33 out to class and 33 returned back.  And lots of smiles….and thanks to slushies there is quite the myriad of colors of those smiles. But that is what camp is all about.

Good evening once again.


  1. I am so happy that you have taken on the task of reporting on our Troop's Geieger adventures.
    Reading your prose, while not as good as being there, naturally, is a close as it comes!!

    Thank you, good sir.


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