Camp Geiger Wednesday, June 22, 2022

 The graceful quiet after a storm is always refreshing.  Last night Troop 451 endured an almost 9 hour battering of isolated thunderstorms and showers throughout the evening.  Lightning alerts started near dinner and the scouts weren’t to leave cover until early this morning.  Though if you have been to Geiger before, you know the pavilion is a wonderful sanctuary to escape the heat and rain but if the rain is sideways…you tend to get wet.  If you have read my blog before, you have heard me say it again and again.  Adapt and overcome.  Rain puddle in the corner, I can fit 2 on the opposite side and 1 here.   Just a giant puzzle in the middle of the night, wet, with kids as puzzle pieces.  You know, just a normal Tuesday night.

Huge thanks to the Grantonic’s, Mrs Brinkerhoff, Mr a Hawkins and the rest of the adult leaders (apologies if I didn’t list your name, I retreated to my tent to get wet in a different spot)

It’s a Wednesday tradition that Troop 451 represent and give back with the cooking of the pancakes and bacon.  To rise at 5:15am and take a trip down to the dining hall takes a special kind of crazy/awesomeness/dedication/crazy.   I couldn’t begin to guess how much was prepared for the camp and staff but it was probably in the tens of thousands of pounds.  Eh…it fet like it.   Always one of my favorite volunteer activities as it involves bacon but more importantly it’s a time to meet other troop leaders as well.   A certain bond develops when you break bread with another…but to bake that bread with someone is a another story.

Classes began and the scouts scamper away to their respective activity.   The leaders will typically have an open time front the next few hours to do as they wish.  The scoutmaster merit badge is designed to help such leaders to be not just here, but to be deeply engaged into camp Geiger.   There is a list of actives that we are able to accomplish, conisistong of anything from assisting with a merit badge class, tour the museum, or even buy a slushie for a stranger.  Or take a nap….yes you can get credit for that activity.  If you are able to compete the list of activities over the week, you are awarded a patch that can be placed on your class A uniform.  Subsequent years you awarded a rocker patch that is placed around the original one.  None of the activities are very hard, but is a perfect way to really dive into what the Geiger experience is all about.

Lunch was chicken patties on a bun, baked beans and cookies.  I mean it was good but it’s not bacon.  Oh yeah, Tropp 451 emerged victorious again in the cleanest campsite.  I’d say it gets old but just watch the live stream at lunch…watch the scouts and tell me they don’t care.  

Today, for those who are unaware, is family day here at Geiger.  Any family member of a scout can come up and will eat dinner with the troop and then are invited to a campfire where all matter of skits and songs are performed by staff and scouts alike.  Distance from home makes this night a bit challenging for the troop as we are 573 miles from Lewisville.  This year, your Geiger coordinator, Mrs Smith drove up with her daughter to see Winston and Tucker.  When they arrived, Tucker bolted from the pavilion area and ran as fast as I have ever seen him to throw his arms around her.  As much fun as we have here, it’s always a special moment to see a loved one.  

Dinner is a little different this night was troops are encouraged to eat st their campsite with their families who bring food to camp.  We often don’t have that luxury so Geiger offers to order pizza for those who need.  Pizza, ice cream and a salad bar…not a bad way to spend an evening.

Upon return to camp, the troop gets dressed in their class A uniforms or their Mic-o-Say regalia for this evening’s festivities.  The troops are walked in through the back of the council ring where upon entry, you see a wave of visitors that have come to see their scouts.  We all lie up around the council ring seating and enjoy the night.  A few welcoming words, songs, and skits.  Our own Mason Borge and Ryan Kippes performed a skit that reminded us that we either “hydrate or die-state”.  A constant reminder that you need to constantly drink water here. The adults also performed a skit called “Brains for sale”  no spoiler alert here as it’s one with an excellent punchline.  

After all skits the tribe of Mic-o-Say perfemored for the scouts and visitors.  These scouts are of the rank of brave and warrior.  Landon Pratt and Matshall Hayden were the Tropps representation this year from the troop and both did an admiral job.  

Upon return to camp, it’s late and we have a long day tomorrow so teeth are brushed, showers taken (hopefully) and off to bed.  

Good night once again, tomorrow is the best night of the year…stay tuned


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