Pow Wow 2022

 Pow Wow 2022

I would say the the dog days of summer have arrived but it feels that we’ve been mired in them for months.   But an August weekend before school starts can only mean one thing.  Pow Wow.   Mic-o say’s  quintessential event, also the first event of the year following summer camp.   The new braves first opportunity to be with their peers from all 6 sessions of summer camp.  A crash course, if you will, regarding all things Mic-o-say.  Regalia, dances, traditions, and most importantly FUN.  This year partipants included Luke Goss, Winston Smith, Caleb Pratt, Nicholas Shook, Daniel Woehler, James Grantonic, Landon Pratt, Max Brooks, Jonathan Stephens, Marshall Hayden and The Rishi Bandlamudi.    Lance Brooks, Drew Gonzalez and myself were in the van with the tribesman.  Richard Covington, Mark DiCaccio, and Thomas Sorensen drove with the trailer hooked up to Mr Covington’s truck.  

Friday morning we set out (eventually 🤣) in a huge 15 passenger van…thank you again to Mr Brooks.  Normally we travel to pow wow in a couple of vehicles but the interest this year absolutely crushed that idea.  11 youth and 6 adults made the journey from Lewisville, TX to St. Joseph, MO.  Not quite to I35…I began to re-think my decision.  Lol.   Not really but 11 scouts in one traveling vessel is always something of a lit fuse.   But , thankfully the boys were enjoying themselves within the perfect range of sleep and chaos.  

Lunch break was at a Loves fuel station with a Carls Jr…2 birds one stone.  Fuel and lunch.  Not much better than a greasy burger and fries on the road.  Snacks abound as well….meat sticks, sodas, candy, hard boiled eggs (?) and thankfully no energy drinks.  I may have forgotten the rule but luckily it wasn’t an issue.  Back on the road, the energy faded into nap time.  Lots of head nodding and drooling as we made it though the breataking Kansas scenery. 

As we arrived into town, we made the decision to visit a Geiger staple for dinner.  A Ranch that may or may not serve pizza.   Ah yes, Pizza Ranch.  “Ok boys, we have 45 minutes before we need to get to camp and dress out for tonight’s ceremony.   Eat up”.   And they did…pizza, dessert pizza, fried chicken, more dessert pizza and homemade floats.   It was a abundant barrage of food that wound have made a football team blush.  I can say I was actually impressed.  

As we arrive to camp, the traditional cheer of arrival erupted from the van.  As we traveled through camp, seeing tents set up all over, we made our way to the bunk house.  Typically reserved for staff during the year, we get permission to stay there rather than camp.  Some creature comforts including air conditioning, our own bathrooms and showers and most importantly, air conditioning.  Our trip did take a bit longer than anticipated so we had to get moving in order to make the opening ceremony.  And with so many scouts that had just been tapped, the majority of our tribesman did not a proper regalia costume built yet.  Luckily enough, the tribe does have spare components and full costumes.  We aware able to dress out 8 tribesman (including 6 of the new braves). It truly was a sight to see the boys embrace the spirit of mic o say and step out of their comfort zone.  The teamwork of all those involved to help get the boys dressed out was cool to see as well.  Trading of moccasins, knee bells, bushes, breachcloths and rattles to make it all work was a sight to see.  

The ceremony began with a traditional pow wow dance where all tribesman basically run/dance around the campfire.  In regalia or not, young or old…all are welcome to pow wow.  The costume contests were to happen this night as each rank had an opportunity to participate in either a traditional or a fancy costume contest.  With us having so many new braves, their are a lot of leniancies given as most don’t have a costume built yet.  Braves, warriors, fire builder, Tom Tom beater, runner and keepers will all compete.   Our tribesman are all braves aside from Landon and Marshall who ranked up to warrior this last summer camp.   All boys thst dressed out went out to compete in the costume contest this year, adults were able to compete as well.  

Caleb was tapped and won 2nd place in the warrior costume contest.  In large part to him going back to week 6 to Geiger this summer where he was able to build some items that he had not done at home.  I was also tapped as the 1st place in the adult costuming contest but the fact that there are select braves to help with the judging helped me.  We had 2 braves, Jonathan and Luke selected to help and they may or may not have influenced the voting 😜 (that or the mail in ballots have yet to arrive).  Next year will be a different story as these boys are chomping at the bit to get their own regalia built and want to compete.  More on that later.  After ceremony the tribesman were invited back to the council ring for a movie with popcorn and s’mores.  The evening ended back at the bunkhouse with tons of pentup energy and laughter.  My suggestion of quiet time with a book was laughed at. (I kid, I’m not that naive).  My AirPods with a continuous thunderstorm via YouTube helps me ignore all that.

Early morning alarm clocks rang out @6:30 so that we could get ready and up in order to make breakfast at the dining hall.  After a flag ceremony we entered the dining hall for biscuits and gravy, has browns and cereal.  After breakfast we made our way down to trading post where we were to register for the event.  After registering we had a dance team meeting where we talked about expectations and ideas for future gatherings.  The dance team isnt just aboht building costume and dancing but also to have fun with each other as a group.  Got some ideas thrown out from them thst will be implemented throughout the year.  Airsoft, go karts, arcades, zip line park, etc…

After the meeting the different ranks split to go to their respective rank meetings.  The braves met down in the council ring and the warriors met at one of the mic-o-say buildings.  The braves got to participate in the trail to brave, an explanation of the locations and spots they visited after they were tapped.  A daytime view of the tribal grounds if you will.  They also then leaned the warriors dance, taught by the Chieftains.  I truly don’t know what the warriors did after their meeting and both of our warriors are asleep on the ride home so I can’t ask.  

During this time the adults, Richard Covington, Mark DiCaccio, Lance Brooks and myself all helped out on the adult costuming class in Herzog Lodge (with working air conditioning) as new honorary warriors get tapped, they also need costumes.   Chokers, headbands, breachcloths, etc.   how to bead and how to teach bead work to others as well.  These adult leaders are super vital in keeping the program moving forward with new blood Learning how to build costumes and how to teach others to do the same is an absolute must.  

Lunchtime and burgers/hotdogs with chips and cookies we’re served outside picnic style.  After lunch the braves went to to the training center to learn about all parts of the costume.  The session is called braves block and it’s where the braves learn about the regalia.  What it is, what it represents, why it’s important and how to build it.  Many freebies were given out as well, parts to help kickstart their journey to building their perfect costume.  As adult costuming and braves block ended there is a small break before the traders midway commenced.

Traders midway is a huge element of pow wow where any tribesman can set up a “booth” and trade any of their items for something they may covet.  I have talked it up over this last year because it’s a really fun interactive way to #1 get some cool items from scouts or micosay #2 learn the art of the trade and commerce.  It can be a little daunting at first but once you get these boys going…look out.  This year our guys teams up on tables and worked together like  I have never seen.  Some were back at the tables, other helped to scout other tables to find the good stuff…negotiating the trades, scouting the good items, it was a thing a beauty.   Last year Landon really took to it and made out lime a fat rat after all trades.  This year, it was the year of Rishi.   At one point I think he was trying to trade for a Tesla but I’m not sure it worked out.  Everyone of our guys was super involved in it and it just made me smile so much.  Free root beer floats and Oreos were also given out along with ice cold bottles of water.  It was hot (not as bad as Texas) but the boys posted up under some trees and went to town.  Definitely a highlight of the day.  

After trading, dinner was brisket and chicken with baked beans and brownies.  The dining hall radio station played the hits while we ate and planned our evening festivities.  Tonight was the dance competition portion of the pow wow celebration.  Traditional, fancy or both?   That’s the question I had for the guys.  Some knew and some weren’t sure.  I suggested they try both and then they can see what they are more comfortable or better at.  Traditional dances are typically a slower dance, telling a story if you will.  The slower drum beat and classic colors with the regalia are earmarks of a traditional dance.  Fancy dance is quite the opposite, very loud and bright colors with lots of ribbons.  The dance is very flashy as well.   Lots of twists and ups/downs…just lots of flair.  

Once again each rank has its own set of participants so thst everyone is on the same skill level.  I was estatic when I saw that everyone tribesman that dress out danced in both formats.  Didn’t even have to try and coax anyone, they just went to trying something different and be with their friends.  Caleb did make it to the finals and eventually won 3rd place for traditional dance.  As each rank completed their dances awards were passed out during the breaks.  There was also raffle prizes and door prices for the braves thst attended the braves block.   Bells, beads, costume kits, gif certificates…everyone got stuff.  Many thanks to the volunteers and contributors for these items.   

Special thanks to Max for being the photographer of the group.   Such an amazing talent and passion for it, thank you. 

It was a late evening returing to the bunk houses where all of the last 2 days activities have caught up with everyone.   Some showers and crash…some just crash.  And some still had energy.  Not sure how but they did.  Think I heard the “fishy fishy” from someone’s phone 400 times over the course of the weekend (just ask your scouts..lol)   Eventually they all crashed or just nobody else awake to laugh with and just fell asleep themselves.

Early morning alarms helped to rise the adults while the scouts just layed there..not really motivated to get started but being Sunday morning, I was in the same boat.  Everyone eventually got up and packed to load the trailer and clean up (quite the job in itself) 

We said our goodbyes to Geiger for another year as the next time we will get a chance to return will be in January for Winter Conclave.  In a nutsehell, it’s the winter version of pow wow.  We still get to stay on camp which is my favorite because all of the trees and flora have gone dormant and camp looks so much different.   The lush tree cover is gone and you get to see camo from a different perspective than they are used to.   

The big biscuit is a troop 451 staple for early morning grub when coming to Geiger.  Pancakes the size of scouts and chocolate milk…such a beautiful combo.   The boys, as always, represented the troop and the tribe and were complimented numerous times while at the restaurant.  Even when we walked in…”ah, Texas is here”  from a dining patron.   Yes, Texas is a staple in St Joseph, they love us and we love them.

Pow wow 2022 has concluded and it was a resounding success.  This is my 3rd one to attend and it was by far the best.  The attendance, the participation, the fun.  I can only imagine the number of scouts that will want to go next year.  Thank you to all of the parent that allowed us the opportunity to experience this with your scouts.  And for those new parents that do have any questions please reach out to myself or Lance Brooks.    

Hau Hau!!!


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