Camp Geiger, Tuesday, June 30

Every day at the pool, the kids have a "Check In/Check Out" board they have to use to let the lifeguard know who's in the pool. Each kid swims with a buddy and every camper is taught to respect the water and water safety. Swimming isn't an Eagle-required Merit Badge for nothing.

O.K. For all the Moms, let's get the nutritional concerns out of the way right out of the gate.

Yesterday's menu was as follows:

Breakfast: French Toast Sticks, Sausage and Apple Juice

Lunch: Hot Dogs, Potato Chips, Sugar Cookies and Peach Kool-Aid

Dinner: Pasta Surprise (we call it that because I'm sure if we had any idea what was in it, we'd be completely surprised), Garlic bread, Green Beans, Peaches with Whipped Cream and...Peach Kool-Aid.

Clearly we are eating well (:]) but truthfully, it's hot and when it's time to eat, the taste really doesn't matter.

Yesterday was a full day with the kids starting their Merit Badges and Trail to First Class Activities. They all enjoyed getting started, but today will be their first really fun day. Usually the first days cover all the paper work and the book requirements with the fun "doing" elements starting today. Once Merit Bades and the requisite slushies were complete, lots of people hit the pool, others gathered in the Trading Post looking for that next treasure and others came back to camp for an impromptu soccer kick around.

The weather was a balmy 92 degrees with a light wind out of the south. Much fun was had by all including a very cool post-dinner activity enjoyed by a dozen of the 1st and 2nd years. Pics and story coming to you later today.


"Yeah, that was smart." - J. "Bloody Knuckle" Koonce who realized the smartest way to kill a giant mosquito ISN'T punching it when it's sitting on a concrete wall


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