What a Week We Had! - Thursday Night
The high point of any week at Camp Geiger comes Thursday night. This is the night of the “Tapping” ceremony, when new candidates for admission to the tribe of Mic-O-Say are publicly selected. The tribe is the honor camping society of the Pony Express Council, the Heart of America Council, and Camp Geiger. In some ways, it is similar to the national scout camping honor society, Order of the Arrow, but Mic-O-Say is unique. For example, both groups make extensive use of Native American lore and traditions but the tribe of Mic-O-Say maintains greater adult involvement in its leadership. Many camping honor societies arose in the 1920s (the tribe goes back to 1925) and most of these were eventually subsumed into OA. Yet a few, like the Tribe of Mic-O-Say, maintained their independence and thrived. While current tribesmen are busily tending to myriad duties, everyone else enjoys dinner and then assembles for the evening’s events. Tribesmen first lead the campers across the camp t