Camp Geiger - Thursday July 04 - A big day for Tribesmen

I urge you to rededicate yourselves to the ideals of the Scout Oath, and to reaffirm your obligations to your God and to your country. In so doing, you will contribute to the strengthening of America’s heritage and thereby to the realization of our common goals in the Great Society. —Lyndon Baines Johnson

Happy July 4th to everyone from here at camp. It is bright and sunny here. 85 degrees with a slight breeze. Should be a great night. Looks like the tapping fire is completely built and Ready to Go.
Mr. Covington, Enjoying the ride to dining hall
I realize this year, I have very few pictures of Mr. Covington. Just wanted to go on the record that - "The fact that he is not in picture is a testimony that he is not over committing to working hard. Mr. Covington continues to be the support the boys with what they need at camp. Not sure how the boys would get by without his support. Before I get into more trouble with him for this picture .. I will end this commentary by simply saying "Thank you" for being here so soon after surgery and supporting the boys and adults. You truly embody the spirit of what President LBJ quoted.

Today we again place second in the "Camp Site Inspection". We were behind two other troops who tied for first place. 

Lin with Nathiel Curry (Counsellor) showing Pipe he made
Recent we looked "Jumping Bear Museum" as something new at Camp Geiger, in the same vein here is some thing new : "Plumbing Merit Badge". This being offered for the first time. Kaleb DiCiaccio, Lin Beau, Lin Ryan and Sam Spence from Troop 451 are taking advantage of the course. We have lot more photos posted to Smug Mug.

Some videos to check out :

1. Archery Skill Demonstration

2. C.O.P.E Zipline

3. God Bless America : Song after lunch

4. Shot Gun Skills Demonstration

As usual, we do have many more pictures posted to smugmug. Please check them out


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