Camp Geiger ; Tuesday, July 02 - Sunset Report

Not really sure where to start writing this report so let me begin with the end and track back to where I left off this afternoon.

The sunset was again some thing to watch and enjoy. Wish I was on the river taking this picture, however time, sun and natural wonders wait for no body. It also made me realize there is no bad place in the camp where a good picture cannot be taken. So here is the picture I took right from our camp site

Today's surprise rain, and followed by the gorgeous sunset truly reminds of this quote from Nobel Laureate Shri Rabindranath Tagore, "Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky." Sunset here today truly feels that way. Want to get a feel for the rain we had here today, take a quick look at this video: 

At dinner our team was announced as the "Sharpest Unit". This is three dinners in a row, we were awarded this. Getting this award three days in a row for a troop our size is testimony to our Scouts, who go the extra mile to follow rules and make us proud. Dinner today was Burritos, Rice and Brownies.

KP's in Action
Some of the videos, I have posted were recorded in the dining. One has to be wondering how this many of us get served food, drinks and what it takes to clean up. One of the key role in this process is the role of KP. Each troop assigns a one scout per table. For troop of our size we have have 12 tables and hence assign 12 Scouts / Adults for KP duty. Assigned KP setup the table and when the meal is over, with the help of everyone at the table clean up happens in two-minutes and it is called the "two minute drill". I am sure my wife "Bhramara" is wondering how she can enforce this at home ! ... All I can say is good luck.

Dining hall celebrated birthdays for the week today. Surprising we have no one in the troop here at camp with his birthday falling this week. Mark took this as an opportunity get Mr. Koonce added to the celebration. So Mr Koonce got to celebrate his birthday early with a really special person: USA. Want to get feel for this and celebration, watch this video

As I was taking pictures yesterday there was very little activity, it was mostly introductions, theory and getting to know each other. I started wondering when are these guys going to get their hands dirty. 

Scouts at Work
I did not have to wait long, look the collage created from metal working, basketry pottery and mountain biking merit badges in the arts and crafts area. This evening, astronomy folks are watching the stars and early in the morning bird watchers will go bird watching.

As usual lot more pictures posted at smugmug which include trail first class in the shooting complex.


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