Friday at Camp Geiger

Friday at Camp Geiger is bitter sweet. It is the time when the week’s effort wraps up and Scouts look forward to the recognition they have earned. It also means one last night before returning to the luxury of hot showers and clean sheets, all enjoyed in air-conditioned, insect-free comfort. It is also the time when Foxmen endure their ordeal and work their way towards becoming braves in the Tribe of Mic-O-Say. But, it is the last whole day of summer camp and very nearly the end of an exciting, productive week.

As the audience learns on Thursday night, the Foxmen are charged with silence. They are expected not to speak for 24 hours (unless safety demands it). One sees them running around camp (Foxmen run everywhere) and working on a service project to improve the camp. This year, they extended the steps that run down the slope behind camp headquarters.

Dinner Friday is served al fresco below Tapping Valley. Sandwiches of pulled pork were accompanied by potato chips, pickles, and peanut butter cookies. For those so inclined, seconds, and even thirds were on offer. One salient feature of this meal is that it is served on disposable dinnerware. Thus, the adults from Troop 451 were not needed for clean-up afterwards!

Once the campers have consumed their meals, it is time to repair to the Council Ring for the closing campfire. Here, senior tribesmen describe the purpose of Mic-O-Say to those who are not yet part of the tribe. They then entertain a wide range of questions from the audience. Several other items of especial interest to scouts in the Pony Express Council of the BSA are presented as well. Soon, it is time to conclude the next-to-last public ceremony of the second Camp Geiger session of 2014 and return to campsites. Every Scout, naturally, went straight to sleep. . . (naw. But a couple did).

For the Foxmen and members of the Tribe, the night is far from over. When Saturday morning dawns, many Scouts will have become new Braves in the Tribe of Mic-O-Say.

An otherwise-wonderful week at camp was marred by one of our Troop 451 Scouters experiencing a medical problems. We are delighted and thankful that prompt, skillful attention on the part of other Troop 451 Scouters, the Geiger medical personnel, and the Saint Joseph medical professionals, proved successful. We expect to see everyone back in Texas soon, and in good health.


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