Hump Day (if this were work or school; at Geiger it just means less time left!)

Wednesday, our flag continued to grace the dining hall owing to our earning “Sharpest Unit” honors on Tuesday. After breaking our fast with pancakes and bacon, everyone headed to their various activities: the First Year Scouts headed off to Trail to First Class, older boys attended various merit badge classes, and the adults tended to their respective responsibilities.

One new responsibility for which we volunteered this session is helping out in the dining hall. For various reasons, the dishwashing chores require more man hours and the camp is relying on volunteers. A Scout is HELPFUL, after all. With so many adults to pitch-in, this task goes fairly quickly but cleaning dishes for 520 people does take a bit of time.

At lunch, we were delighted to learn we had again garnered the top score for campsite inspection. Thus, our flag continued to grace the flag plaza. We are doing our level best to uphold our troop’s proud tradition of excellence.

Wednesday is ‘family night’ at Camp Geiger and we had several 451 families who made the long trek from Texas to Missouri. Among these hardy souls were the Covingtons, the Curtises, the Gonzalezes, the Hatters, the Koonces, the Krals, the Lampes (including an uncle and two grandparents), and the Turners. Apologies to anyone who traveled all that way but whom I didn’t mention. Given the considerable distance involved, it was a fantastic turnout of families supporting our Scouts. Many families brought in dinner. For the rest of us, the dining hall ordered in Pizza and ice cream.

The centerpiece of Family Night is the evening campfire. Troop 451 was well represented. Our boys presented three different skits and Ian Hollenshead wowed the crowd with his rendition of “Blue Suede Shoes.” Mr. Williams wrote Camp Geiger-themed lyrics for some popular tunes and the songs of each branch of the Armed Services. He, Mr. Lampe, and another adult performed their “Tribute to Camp Geiger” for an appreciative audience.

After the campfire, those whose families were in attendance joined them while others returned to camp and a much-needed night’s sleep.


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