Campsite Inspection

It is GREAT to be part of a sharp, disciplined troop!

Lunch today was hotdogs and corn chips with chili and cheese as desired. The salad bar was, as ever, popular. Eating was accompanied by the typical Camp Geiger fun and silliness. Various staffers were called upon, for example, to 'show us how to get down!'

After lunch, the results of today's campsite inspections were announced. Now, this was a rather unusual day for inspections as fully 11 different troops were awarded scores in excess of 100 points!

The scale runs from 1-100 with possible bonus points for details over and above merely having a ship-shape campsite.

When the third place troop was announced, Troop 66, with a score of 111, it seemed we were in tough company. Troop 75 came in second with an slightly higher score. Then, we all waited with bated breath as Aaron Lewis dragged out the announcement of first place. When it seemed we could stand the suspense no more, the first place score of 127 points was revealed. Once again, our Troop 451, from Lewisville Texas, came in first!

This gives us the privilege of hoisting our flag tomorrow morning at the flag raising ceremony. So, when the photos get posted, look for our flag over the plaza.

It is GREAT to be part of a sharp, disciplined troop!
(by the way, we seem to be having issues with photo posts to the blog right now. Be sure to check out the troops SmugMug page: or follow us on Facebook.


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