Camp Geiger Sunday June 27, 2021

 As I lay here awake at 4:45am listening to the musical notes of the cricket that has decided to tent with me I realize that camp is almost here.  The bus en route currently and it currently in Topeka, KS driving north to St Joseph.  

This is my first year coming up with the “early crew” as my first years were on the bus, watching Space Jam, eating junk food, giddy with excitement.  The official number of scouts and adult leaders climbed to 51 this year therefore some leave Saturday morning to haul the trailers.  Footlockers, cots, much as the trailers could handle that were loaded on Friday night started the trek to Geiger on Saturday morning.  Jessica Harris, Shelly and Jim Koonce, and Mark DiCiaccio in one truck, with Richard Covington, Mark Lampe and myself in the other truck.  Normally there is only 1 trailer taken but we were blessed this year as Mr Covington is part of the Ranger staff this year and that afforded us the opportunity to use the 2nd trailer.  

We arrived approximately 6:00pm Saturday and began the process of administrative checkin.  We were then allowed to head up the ridge to our campsite, Sioux Lookout.  Aside from a few years in the past, this has been home to Troop 451 at Camp Geiger.  The highway point of the camp affords us a generous wind that helps keep the heat down and the bugs away.  Though the close proximity to the trading post is the allure for the scouts, as it is no more than 100 yards away from the entrance of our camp.  

Normally we have a 2nd session date which is normally the 3rd week of June but due to Covid we switched it to the 3rd session.  Only reason I mention it is that our normal session was hit hard with rain towards the end of their week, locally they received 12-14 inches of rain in the last 24 hours.  The Ranger and crew worked diligently to make sure that the campsite  was  still ready to go.  A little soggy but a little mud never hurt anyone.

Just after 9am a huge tour bus which size would rival  many musical acts pulled into camp.  Alas Bruno Mars nor Beyoncé didn’t emerge...rather Troop 451 had officially arrived to Camp Geiger.  Most of the scout still sleepy, disembarked and began the  process of unloading all supplies brought in the lower storage area of the bus.  The mad scramble ensued as the scouts started to choose their tents with their tent mates.  Footlockers, cots, tarps, camp chars, etc all set up in the army style A-frame tents.  The troop will occupy all 25 tents in Sioux Lookout and and 3 additional tents in our adjacent campsite Kiowa.  Due to the additional Covid restrictions, we were required to stay in our campsite until we were officially checked in which was scheduled to be completed at 12:15.  After the campsite was put together we gathered in the shaded pavilion to officially welcome everyone to camp and go over some basic camp rules and expectations.  This is officially our 20th trip to camp Geiger and in the past Troop 451 has always exceeded the high standards set by the troop  from the previous years.   A quick in camp lunch consisting of the bagged lunches brought from home were quickly inhaled before we headed up to the official camp Geiger check in.  With our troop driving all the way from Texas we are normally allowed the opportunity to get into camp early and checkin quickly. This year they did allow us to arrive early but we were to stay within the confines of the campsite until the official checkin has been completed.  

Check in station was set up near the dining hall, where we offered medical forms, temperature checks, wrist bands were provided as to show that the process has been completed.   A group photograph of the troop was taken by the Geiger photographer.  She runs a Facebook page called “The Geiger Experience” where she will takes pictures all throughout the camp and post them as the week goes on.

From there the scout went down to the swimming pool to complete their final task and take a swim test.  Be it non swimmer, beginner and swimmer most scouts were just happy to get into the water and cool down a bit.  On their way back to camp, I believe 145% of the troop made a trip to the infamous trading post.  Camping equipment, knives, personal toiletries, shirts, etc.  but who are we’s all about the slushy.  For a mere $1.25 you too can have your son load up on the sweet nectar of camp  Geiger.  I myself may or may not have samples the new Coca Cola flavor with wild cherry mixed in....well worth it.  

A bit of down time for the boys allowed them some freedom to nap, play football, or consume the aforementioned slushy.  Unless you bought a harmonica....which of course then was played very loudly.  For a long time.  A real long time.  

Close to 6pm the scouts were instructed to dress in their class A uniforms so neatly packed on the top of their footlockers.  The trek to the dining hall was a proud one for Troop 451.  All in uniforms that set us apart from the rest of the troops.  The dining hall had noticeably fewer tables this year due to social distancing and for those who have traveled with us in the past, it was a welcome change.  Normally seating close to 500 we were closer the 400 this session.  Chicken died chicken, mashed potatoes, corn and cookies rounded out our first dining experience of 2021.  After dinner the staff emerged to lead us in song, and cleanup rules.  The best dressed award is always announced after dinner and your boys of Troop 451 took that honor.  Some things just never change.

After dinner was over the scouts made their way down to the council ring where the opening ceremonies commenced.  David Fox led the way with a cart wheel or 5 and the staff groups all had their own skits that they performed.  Some funny, some funnier....some...well, we appreciate all efforts to entertain us.   At the end the members of the Mic-oSay tribe were acknowledged for their time committed over the years.  The troop made their way back up to camp where and emergency drill was conducted where all scouts and adults went to the storm shelter under our pavilion.  

Quite a few showers were completed right before the boys went down for the count.  Call to quarters sounds off at 10pm and taps are played at 10:30pm.  I wound assume most boys have already fallen asleep by the time they were even played.

Camp is quest now, but just wait a few hours.  Tomorrow, we really get started.




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