Camp Geiger Monday June, 28, 2021

I’d love to tell everyone that I got started on the blog late as I slept in to catch up on my much needed sleep.  But as I lay here wide awake  at 3:37 in the a.m. I am quickly reminded that even adults can be eager with anticipation for the day to begin.  Alas, it is the first day of merit badge classes.  

All of the “chaos” of the checkin day is gone. The boys get a dose of structure and planing as they are reminded of what their classes are and where on camp that they need to go to attend those classes.  

Breakfast was sausage links and French toast sticks with choice of water or apple juice.  As the scouts inhaled the selections of the day the camp Geiger radio station KAMP played the hits.  A few of the adult leaders left after eating to make our way back to camp as to make sure that we have the site as clean and ready.   The scouts already ultimately responsible for the campsite but a double or triple check never hurts.  

The boys have classes 1, 2 and 3 before they break for lunch.  Classes are an 50 minutes long with a 10 minute break to walk to their next class.  Archery to welding...a huge selection of classes for the scouts to earn their merit badges.  For a few brief hours the campsite had a certain eerie quietness...much enjoyed by a few members of the adult crew.  

Lunch time arrived and we were blessed with a menu of chili dogs, chips and mandarin orange wedges.  Water and purple Kool aid to drink.  With so many new scouts this year we try to have an adult at each table to help go over Geiger traditions and customs.  It also affords us the opportunity to get to know the new scouts and vice versa.  As a new parent or scout it can be a lot to take in at first. Are in the amount of people in the troop that you may not know as well, it’s a great way to get to know each other. That happened to me the first year and I now consider those people some of my best friends in the world.  

After linch the scouts headed out to conquer their remaining classes while the adults had a chance to explore some of the shooting sports that Geiger had to offer.  Open time for rifle shooting, shotgun and the cowboy action range.  Myself along with Fahim Chowdhury and Swaman Sarkar made our way down the meandering trail down to the cowboy action range. $5 allowed you the opportunity to shoot a 6 shooter revolver, a lever action rifle and a 20 gauge side by shotgun.  Taking turns trying to hit the plinking targets, the sound which is always a gratifying one.  

Back to camp for a much needed rest in a reclining chair to update the blog and eat a snack...or three.  Some light shower moved in and the temperature dropped considerably.  But a real hot day but the last couple of been very humid.  And if someone locates any wind at all, please send it our way.  It’s been very still here and that just exaggerates the issue.  10 minute shower and then all back to the status quo.  While the scouts were away, there was quite a few scouts and adult leaders that took that valuable quiet time to norm on their Mic-o-say regalia.  Beadwork, leather, and feathers all to get ready for the big Thursday night ceremony.

Around 5pm the scouts began to slowly meander back into camp.  Some with slushies....well most with slushies.  An hour of free time before we adorn out class A uniforms and head down to the dining hall for dinner.  A beautiful flag ceremony was conducted and troop 451 participated to take down our Texas flag.  Nachos, with tortilla chips, beans, cheese and pulled pork was our menu for the evening.  Once again Troop 451 was awarded the best dressed troop in the camp so we are awardees the chance to present our Texas flag once again during the flag ceremony tomorrow morning. 

After cleanup we gathered outside the dining hall for mail call, one of the most exciting times for a camper.  The anticipation of a letter from home or even better, a package gage full of healthy fruits and vegetables, homework, books and ........wait who am I kidding?  Junk food, cookies, candy, and who know what else is what we all want.  I offered to taste test anything but unfortunately I had very few takers.  #beabettersalesman

No formal activity after dinner but the staff did hold a Geriget Olympic competition down in the tapping valley.  Races up cardiac hill, log rolls, and a football game were just a few of the activities for the evening.  

A chance of some rain coming this evening had the leaders prepare the scouts in case of Mother Nature deciding to say hello.  Remember those empty trash bags you hacked in that footlocker?   They may get some use tonight....of course they may not.  Welcome to Geiger.  Of course we do have a few scouts taking wilderness survival and tonight is their night to rough it out away from our campsite in a very rugged manner.  Max Brooks,, Landon Pratt, Charlie Paul, Siddarth Vyakaranam and Zachery Siegelman are all camping on the very northern part of the campsite with very primitive conditions.  

Well as I finish today’s entry, the mosquitos that are trying to pick me up and take me away are relentless..  I saw goodnight and we will see you in the morning.  



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