Camp Geiger Tuesday June 29, 2021

 Who doesn’t love a nice surprise?  I mean really...a larger tax return, that extra cookie in the cookie jar, just a warning instead of a ticket for speeding.  All something that we want in our lives.  An example of an unwanted surprise?  Your youngest son informing you of the 6:00am nature hike for his bird study 10:30 the night before.  Obviously not having an alarm clock, I offered my services to wake him up at 5:30.....he said with a forced smile.

Rain was in the forecast for all of the evening and luckily the weather men up here in Missouri are just as inept as the ones in Dallas.  No rain at all during the evening but as my alarm clock emitted that joyous sound, the rain started to fall.  A light rain that ended up lasting for a couple of hours...but just enough to get the ground muddy in some spots.  The rain from the previous week is still making its mark here at camp Geiger.  

Breakfast was a sausage, egg and cheese biscuit with hash browns.  Cereal with milk....and chocolate milk option for some of our more seasoned palates was also made available. After breakfast the scouts headed back to camp get their backpacks and supplies for class.  Our campmaster Lance Brooks was reeling from a previous day score on camp inspection and put in some serious manhoods to get us ready for today’s inspection.  A trip to town wide eyed and determined not to lose again.  I guarantee everyone in camp Geiger knows we are from Texas and we love our country.  Our whole troop is bleeding red white and blue 

*Disclaimer*  No scouts were ever cut, punctured, sliced open nor otherwise injured to prove this point.  Troop 451 assumes no responsibility if a scout does actually bleed red white and blue.  Would be cool though...

The older scouts started work on their Mic-o -say regalia for their inspections that were to happen at 2pm.  A few adults napped....and napped and napped.  They are really good at it...some would say experts.  

A few of the adult leaders attended a YPT refresher class that is offered every year at Geiger.  Some of us didn’t need the class quite yet but when it’s here and available, why not take advantage?  

Lunch was BBQ riblet sandwiches, tater tots and cookies.  As is tradition after lunch, the announcement of cleanest campsite is announced    Nervous sideway glances from one adult to another as the results were read.  And like clockwork, Troop 451 was in a first place tie with Troop 6.  First place gets to fly their troop flag if they win the competition for the next day so there has to be a playoff.  James Grantonic,  one of our 2nd year scouts was to play a game of rock-paper-scissors with a scout from the opposition.  After a hard fought battle, Troop 451 was denied but we held our heads high and were gracious in defeat.  

Off to the 2nd half of the day while more Mic-o-say costumes were getting more work done.  And to be very fair to the rest of you...I’m not sure what happened for an hour or so mid afternoon.  Rumor has it I fell asleep in my lounge chair but those rumors are still sketchy.  The authorities are looking into it.

Class A uniforms for dinner as is always the case, and once again Troop 451 looked sharp.  After flag ceremony we headed to the dining hall.  Goulash and English peas with an apple crumble for dessert. My momma always said if you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all.

But the highlight of the evening was provided by I e of our own adult leaders, Jessica Harris.  As is tradition here at Geiger, Tuesday’s have always been Tay-Tay Tuesdays.  Taylor Swift songs while eating dinner.  Mrs Harris had a karaoke moment during the song “You belong with me.”  With her Texas flag microphone she graciously moved from table to table with a performance rivaling that of Ms. Swift herself.  It may be o e of the best things I have ever seen here at camp Geiger.  A huge round of applause and a bow from the queen.  We are announced as best dressed troop once again so once again we will be representing Texas during the flag ceremony.

After dinner and a show, we were dismissed and gathered around for mail call.  Letters, packages and care packages were eagerly claimed and opened with anticipation.

A free night tonight and after a trip to make sure that the slushy machines till worked (they did) made my way back to camp.  A football game had grown in the middle of camp...consisting of at least 20 scouts.  Others played cards, some at the goodies acquired in their mail drop and some even showered.  And for that we are appreciative.

As the night comes to a close we excitement for Thursday and all that it brings is getting closer.  For those here for the first time, they don’t know it yet but it is truly the best day of camp Geiger.

The showers are available and I am in need.

Good night 


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