Camp Geiger Wednesday June 30, 2021

And we escaped the rain once again last night.  Forecast showed rain and storms starting around 2am and going throughout the morning.  Aside from a scattered shower or 2 during the night, the campsite was fairly dry as the troop started to wake up.

Around 5:30 or so you will begin to hear rumblings around camp...yawns, a slow shuffle down to the pavilion, or coffee being made.  Grabbing daily temperature checks before we head to the dining hall to stay compliant with the camp Geiger Covid protocols.  The assembly at the flags is at 7:20 am and Troop 451 was there early and ready to eat.  Today’s breakfast was a hearty helping of pancakes, bacon and juice.  

As the troop inhaled their pancakes one of our scouts had a head of wet hair, which is odd considering the lack of rain.  One of our scouts, Jonathan Stephens had just returned from the swimming pool where he had completed the camp Geiger 1 mile swim.  Accompanied by Luke Goss each morning for practice to satisfy the “buddy system”.   Apparently fish are helps of how well Mr. Stephens can swim....congrats to him.

After breakfast the scouts scatter to their classes while the adults head back to camp and double check the campsite.  The scouts have gotten better and better each day making sure that the campsite is clean and representative of Troop 451.  Finishing touches on Mic-o-say regalia for some while others were wanting to take advantage of the “Old Geiger history hike” with David Fox, the camp director.  David Woehler, Fahim Chowdhury, Mark Lampe, Swapan Sarkar and Ben Grantonic all got to listen to the history of the camp and how it’s grown over the decades.  

Lunch today consisted of chicken patty sandwiches, baked beans and chocolate pudding.  All made better by the fact that I had to speak in a different accent during the meal.  As adults we don’t get the chance to get merit badges, but at Geiger we have the opportunity to get what they call the Scoutmaster merit badge.  Tasks ranging from assisting staff with certain projects, helping the office or medic with duties or even to take a nap (everyone loves that one). Today I chose to speak in an accent for every meal...I have to get my merit badge rocker patch and that takes commitment.   After cleanup the winner of cleanest campsite was announced and Ince again we emerged victorious.  Many thanks to all of the scouts and the adult leaders for their hard work.

Adult activities were very light today as the CPR training class was moved to Tuesday.  Therefore, I had time to go to Herzog lodge, which is a magical place at camp Geiger.  If you are an adult.  It’s the place where an adult leader can sit in the air conditioning, in a comfy leather chair, take a nap or even catch up on some work.  Drinks, WIFI, and a little peace and’s pure heaven.  Got the chance to catch up a bit with one of our longtime scouts, Thomas Sorenson, who is now an adult leader with the troop.  Near 3 hours later we decided to head back to camp and start getting ready for dinner.    

Not many of us were sure what a pizza stick really was before today...we now know.  Think of it as a deconstructed cheese stick with a marinara sauce on side.  A side salad and ice cream for dessert.  But as is tradition here at camp Geiger, Thursday dinner entertainment was the King Pee-Wee competition.  Each troop selects their smaller scout as a representative for their troop.  They hop on a scale and the lightest one is declared the King.  There was amazing intense competition, as their usually is, and Rijoy Shankar took the stage as THE face of Troop 451.  And proud to say that we do indeed have the lightest camper in all of Geiger.  We cheered, we sang, we celebrated as he was carried of the stage like a warrior who just saved the princess.  

Mail and care packages were of an abundance tonight...yet I still didn’t get any goodies or snacks.  Kids these days just don’t appreciate a good blog...maybe I should change the format you a YouTube video...maybe next year.

Traditionally Wednesday night is family night where families of the scouts come to eat dinner with them and afterwards skits and Mic-o-say dancing at the council ring.  Same thing this year sans the families...y’all remember Covid?   It strikes again.

An unfortunate reality but we press on.  The scouts had prepared 3 skits and our first year Geiger dads Fahim, Swapan, David, Ben and Seth all entertained us with some super creative and hilarious skits.  The Mic-o-say dance team performed for the crowd to close out the performance before Dave Fox gave a touching speech that was the perfect ending to the evening.

Back at camp the scouts were all called together at the pavilion for an announcement.  Fahim Chowdhury and his wife Sonia Chowdhury celebrated 16 years of marriage today and we were blessed to be able to celebrate it which them.  We were all treated to a cupcake celebration...thank you to both for sharing that moment with your Troop 451 family.  

And just like that...I’m by myself in pavilion which means the day has come to an end as we all eagerly anticipate the coming of the best day of camp.  Thursday.  

Have a wonderful evening and goodnight 


  1. I can confirm, pizza sticks are not worth the hype.

    1. I agree, I had thoughts of a pizza roll up or something of the sort. like a pizza taquito.....lesson learned


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