HILL OF THE DAY - Silver Eagle and Cardiac Hill
Each day this week, we're giving you a closer look at the five most challenging hills in camp. Today, there's a tie at #2 between the Silver Eagle trail leading up to the dining hall and the legendary Cardiac Hill that leads to and from Tapper Valley.

Silver Eagle
Built just three or four years ago, the Silver Eagle trail runs from The Trading Post down into the woods and then comes out again on the other side of camp leading up to the dining hall. It actually runs parallel with yesterday's hill for about 150 yards, but at the bottom of the hill, yesterday's trail curves right and winds it's way to the base of Chief White Sands trail that we looked at on Tuesday. Silver Eagle goes down and to the left for a nice 100 yard shaded walk through the trees. But at the end of that segment, the trail takes a steep turn uphill taking you up and through a steep backward S-shaped turn, through gravel, that's guaranteed to leave you huffing and puffing at the top. This is the third of three possible hills leading to the Dining Hall so you can see - if you want to eat at Camp Geiger, it's all uphill.

Cardiac Hill
Putting Cardiac Hill at Number Two borders somewhere between upset and blasphemy based on reputation alone, but alas, there is one hill in camp that's bigger and badder than Cardiac Hill. Named for the blood pumping aerobic rush produced by even walking up the hill, Cardiac is easily the most well known - and respected - of the hills in camp. Throughout the day, you'll see boys (in far better condition than the grownups) running up the hill cutting from one side of camp to the other. And tonight, during the Mic-O-Say tapping ceremony, Cardiac Hill will be front and center. If you want to avoid Cardiac, you can. But like a number of things here, it's something you want to do at least once each summer, just to say you have.


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