One of the older boys' favorite parts of camp is getting to see their favorite counselors again after another year of school. There is a tremendous rate of return among the young men who staff here and it's fun to watch the boys reconnect with them summer after summer. Many will sit at the same table in the dining hall every meal so they can spend at least that time catching up. And really, it's not just from the boys' perspective. Just this week, at least a dozen counselors have said how much they appreciate our coming and how much they all look forward to the "Texas boys" coming back to camp.

Swimming is a huge part of camp, as are the waterfront activities like Rowing and Canoeing. We thought it would be great for you to meet the impressive guy responsible for all of those activities.

Name:  Vince Granatino
Tribal Name:  Strong Axes
Hometown:  Smithville, Missouri
School:  Florida Gulf Coast University
Studying: Civil and Environmental Engineering
Scout Rank:  Eagle
Yrs. at Camp Geiger:  12 (3 as a camper, 9 as a counselor)

What's your favorite part of camp? When I have a scout all week who can't do something like swimming, or canoeing and by the end of the week they learn to do it and achieve their goal. Especially the kids I work with who are afraid of the deep water. Seeing them get over that fear of the water and learn to swim? I live for that out here.

What makes you want to be a counselor at Camp Geiger? Because of all the great people. All my friends are here. I know no matter where we all end up, I can call on these people for the rest of my life.

What keeps you coming back summer after summer?  The people I see are a big part of it. The other thing that brings me back is the chance to make a real difference. No where else do I have the chance to truly affect someone's life the way I do here. Helping someone learn to swim, or conquer their fear of the water changes their life.

What's the best part of working with the boys?  Watching them overcome their challenges and have fun doing it.


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