In the northern most reaches of Camp Geiger, farthest from the entrance of the camp (and the Dining Hall) lies the largest campsite on the grounds - Camp Kickapoo, affectionately nicknamed "Camp Misery" by the Geiger staff.

Temporary home to Troop 451 this second session of Geiger Summer Camp, Kickapoo is a unique setting of five separate levels cut into a huge hillside and lined with standard issue A-frame Army tents set on top of wooden platforms.

Some of the adults took the seven tents on the top level, leaving the second tier for camp headquarters, the rest of the adult leaders, the SPL, the troop quartermasters, many of the older scouts and the Mic-O-Say work level.

Guests to our campsite are welcomed by the Troop 451 gateway lashed between two tall wooden tripods at the entrance of the second level. 

Three large dining flies, flanked by eight of our patrol flags, run down the center of tier two offering shade and plenty of room to play cards, work on costumes, or just hang out.

Levels three, four and five house the scouts and from what we hear, level five next to the trees at the bottom of the valley has the most bugs at night!

Mr. Kral has done an incredible job as our Campmaster this week going as far as weed eating around the base of the tents to make sure we were ship shape for campsite inspection.

Monday and Tuesday, out of a dozen troops in camp, we scored 102 and 104 in campsite inspection and got second place both days. Today, Mr. Kral and 451 brought home the title with a new camp inspection record of 107! I don't know how you get extra credit for campsite inspection but we got it in Spades. Awesome job Steve!

As I'm sure you've heard, the Trading Post is probably half a mile or so from camp and the Dining Hall is a full mile walk each way. One consoling feature of Kickapoo is that it's the closest campsite to the pool and the pool has an open air shower house with six shower heads. Depending on which shower you choose, water temperature shifts between scalding and polar bear club - sometimes within the same shower. But after a hot, sweaty day tromping around camp, even a freezing shower feels good.

Kickapoo was recently revamped and while we do have water, the latrines have not yet been built so we have a line of Port-A-Potties to enjoy. Twice a week, after they're cleaned, they're almost tolerable.

The truth is, our campsite is great. The sounds of laughter and camaraderie fill the air in the evenings after the day's activities are complete and both boys and adults have returned to enjoy the fun and fellowship of "Camp Misery."


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