Wednesday night is always a fun night when friendly faces from home come to St. Joe to see us for Camp Geiger Family Night. There are lots of hugs and kisses, and better yet, lots of homemade cookies  that are freely passed around for everyone's enjoyment.

After a quick dinner together in the dining hall, it's off to the Council Ring for the Family Night program affectionately referred to as "the pageant" by the boys. As usual, all the scouts gathered in Scoutcraft Valley and then paraded into the Council Ring according to Troop. 

To start, there were fun songs to sing and funny interludes from the staff followed by skits from the various troops in camp this week. 451 got the most laughs of the night with the "Apples" skit deftly performed by John, Jake, Connor, Joshua and Leon. There was also a presentation of the mile swim patches earned earlier in the morning.

The Mic-O-Say braves and warriors get their first chance to show off their incredible new regalia and dance for a packed house of more than  600 people. This year, 451 was very well represented as more than a dozen of our boys held significant parts in the tribal dance including Mr. Koonce who was tapped for the role of chief.

The program concluded with the traditional Geiger patriotic march through history and the Boy Scouts finishing just in time for everyone to say goodbye and get to our tents before the Heavens opened about 10:30. Another wonderful family night in the books and now, on to Thursday night and the big tapping ceremony!


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