As I've said, I'm always impressed by the quality of young men Camp Geiger finds to staff the camp. I was reminded of that again last night watching the staff participate in the Family Night program in the Council Ring. This is my fourth trip to Geiger and by now, even I know which songs we're going to sing, which gags are coming up next and what patriotic program will close the show. But as I watched the staff last night and marveled at the unbridled energy and self-effacing humor they bring to these events, it struck me that they are doing this six times every summer and every show has to be fresh and as good as the next. This week is special for us, but next week there will 400 new campers. And 400 more after that. And 400 more after that for another four weeks. These guys are not actors and singers first and foremost, but when they join together on "My Country 'Tis Of Thee," "America The Beautiful," "The Star Spangled Banner," and "Scout Vespers," you can't help but feel a patriotic swell rise deep inside you as again, it becomes crystal clear that there really is something special about this place, these boys, this program and this country. We are very fortunate and it is a blessing to be here. In the hope of giving you another glimpse into this impressive group, here is another profile of one of this summer's counselors.

Name:  Mark Langemach
Tribal Name:  Least Night Sky
Hometown:  Savannah, Missouri
School:  Northwest Missouri State University
Studying: Business and Economics
Scout Rank:  Eagle
Yrs. at Camp Geiger:  8 (4 as a camper, 4 as a counselor)

What's your favorite part of camp? I love hanging out with the kids and watching them grow and learn new things. I also really like making new friends over the course of the week.

What makes you want to be a counselor at Camp Geiger? The reward for being out here is so much more than monetary. I love teaching the kids, but this is also where all my buddies are. It's cool to meet so many people going other places than you. Everyone is splitting off and going their separate ways and it's fun to have friends all over the country.

What keeps you coming back summer after summer?  Mic-O-Say is part of it, but this is also my second family. Being a counselor at Camp Geiger is an opportunity I'll never have again. I almost missed out on staffing last year. I had decided to pursue another job that would make more money, but on the second day of staffing, I knew I wanted to be here and called and asked if I could join the staff. They were full, but made a spot for me.

What's the best part of working with the boys?  When they tell you the merit badge you're teaching is their favorite class, or that you were their favorite counselor. When they tell you they can't wait to come back and you know you played a big role in making the week great for them. When they look for you the next year and even remember your name? That's the best.


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