Camp Geiger June 22nd 11:15am

"I'm takin' what they're givin' 'cause I'm workin' for a living" - Huey Lewis

One thing you can be sure of when your boys are at Camp Geiger, is that they are always hard at work during the day. When we tell you that their average day consists of merit badges and trail to first class, you may not realize how hard they are working to gain in rank. The above pitcure shows some of the older scouts testing their skills and their nerve on the COPE tower. All the other scouts are working hard too, but they are learning new things and having a lot of fun doing it.

Like building sharp things....

Throwing sharp things...

And how to care properly for sharp things.

Well, they actually learn a lot more than all that.

There's also cooking, nature hikes and myriad other skills they can take with them for the rest of their lives. All of this of course leaves them very hungry for lunch, which is coming up in a matter of minutes.

Weather at 11:15 - Cloudy and 68 degrees.


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