"Turn out the lights, the party's over..." - Willie Nelson

As the sun sets on the mighty and swollen Missouri River, we get ready to close camp tonight. Something different for dinner. We had a barbecue in the trail to first class area, just like families getting together for a holiday. After dinner the Camp staff puts on the closing campfire, another great show by a great staff. After that, the tribe of Mic-O-Say will meet on the tribal grounds and welcome in the new braves. Current braves become warriors, and warriors become fire builders. All that 24 hours after the impressive tapping fire, which still burns at this hour.

We're expecting perfect weather tonight, temps in the mid to lower 60's. The first and second year scouts will be sleeping soundly when the tribe comes back from the grounds sometime after midnight. In the morning we rise, have breakfast, pray for a safe trip, and return home. This is the last post from Camp Gieger for this session, as we'll be crossing through these gates sometime tomorrow morning.

Get ready for all the wonderful stories you're about to hear.


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