We are a strong, dedicated group of more than 100 Boy Scouts and Scout Leaders committed to living by the Scout Oath, helping other people, becoming significant leaders in our community and having a lot of fun along the way.
We shot this video last night at the trading post before we knew Andy would be chosen for this morning's game show! Been a fun 12 hours for him and all the boys!
Tonight, after a long and excting week, this year's journey comes to an end. We go to the dining hall tonight for dinner, then the scouts who are not involved in Mic-O-Say will attend the closing council fire. The foxmen, who have been silent all day will complete their journey to become Mic-O-Say braves, and the adult foxmen will become Honorary Warriors. The weather for tonight's ceremonies should be spectacular, cool and clear, with temps in the low 70's to upper 60's. Tomorrow morning, we wake up, load the truck, and head for home. We'll be taking home souviners from the trading posts, new achievements and merit badges, and lots of good memories. I'd like to say thanks to the folks at Camp Geiger HQ for all their paitence, hospitality, courtesy and freindship, especially at times in some challenging circumstances. That's all folks, don't forget to tip your waiters on the way out. Tonight's dinner - pulled pork, and mac and cheese. Weather - M...
I listen to Dr. Charles Stanley on the way to work most days. I have heard in his sermons this phrase – look your best, do your best, be your best. His messages relate this phrase to the Christian life. I was thinking how that same message is what we are striving toward in out scouting troop. Look Your Best – We expect each scout to be in full scout uniform, to wear their uniform proudly and to take proper care of how they present themselves. The uniform has many aspects. The word uniform is defined as distinctive clothing worn by members of a particular group; not varying; having the same form or manner. We are all part of one team. The symbolism in various parts of the uniform shows the desires of scouting – learning about truth, acquiring knowledge, being lead in the right path to name just a few. Check out the first few pages of the scout manual to see the importance of the uniform. Do Your Best – This is one of the foundations of scouting. Each time a scout or scouter says the S...
Sun is up....time to eat....merit badge class...eat again...more merit badge classes.....dinner time.....was hot all day....camp almost over. The end Sorry ladies a land gentleman...all I have for you today. Nah...I can’t do that to you, but like many the end of camp offers a chance to really reflect on how much fun this trip yes, but exhausting at the same time. We are currently driving the 2 trucks with trailers and a bus full of scouts back to Texas. This morning as the camp woke the realization that camp is almost over sets in. The scouts and adults started packing up their footlockers, cots, backpacks, etc. All of the scouts and adults worked diligently to get everything packed into the trailers and to get ready for the bus. It is a bit chaotic but we always seem to get it done. Once packed up the Mic-o-say tribe members met one last time before we left camp. The scouts all met back at the flag area near the dining hall for clo...
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