Camp Geiger June 24th 12:37pm

It's another day, it's another day...." - Paul McCartney

The sun rose above the camp and began a glorious day. The Arapaho campsite is at the top of a hill and has a glorious view. As the afterglow of last night's ceremony slightly fades, the last day of routine takes over. The main difference is you see the tapped candidates, along with the braves and warriors of the tribe, going through their day more quietly. Merit badge classes are finishing up and the scouts are turning in their blue cards for counselors to sign. Our first year scouts, have finished up most of their trail to first class and can have some time to play today. The game of the day is Ninja. I'm not sure exactly how it's played, but it looks like they're having a great time.

They also made time to take a few cracks at the new rifle and archery range.

We had our last meal at the dining hall with our lunch today. Tonight dinner will be served in tapper valley, and the scouts and scouters who are not in Mic-O-Say will be treated to another great show at the council fire by the Camp Staff. The Tribe of Mic-O-Say will gather on the tribal grounds and welcome all the new members of the tribe. Also there are warriors who are advance to fire builders, and those are:

Robby B., Noah B., Suraj D., Tristan G., Joseph M., and Michael M.

Braves who are advancing to warrior are:

Matthew B., Evan C., Michael H., Trevor K., James K., William M., Christopher M., Conner O., George P., Ben R., Adam S., and Nicolas V.

Lunch: Chicken strips and pasta salad.

Weather: Partly Cloudy and 77 degrees.


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