Camp Geiger June 22nd 10:36pm

"Celebrate good times, come on! It's a celebration" - Kool and the Gang

There were many great reasons for celebration at Camp Geiger today. First, it was family day, the day when families of all the troops on camp can come visit and see what a great place this camp is.

We were fortunate to have some family come up today, with more to come tomorrow. The other great reason for celebration today was scouting itself. Today is the day when the families and the troops gather around the council fire and enjoy a show put on by the incredible camp staff. Troops also participate with skits of their own. The staff provides their own comedy also.

This is also the time we see the Tribe of Mic-O-Say for the first time. They always give a very serious and reverencial performance, as well as having the chance to show the elaborate costumes they have worked on all year.
This year's Mic-O-Say Dance featured 3 our our own boys doing the Eagle dance, Noah B., Suraj D., and Will M.

The closing is very inspirational. It's all about our country, it's founding, the things we've gone through to get where we are now, the greatness we've achieved, and how scouting contributes to it all. I wish all parents of a scout could witness this presentation one time.

Tomorrow of course is the really big day: The night of the Tapping fire. This is when scouts find out if they will become candidates for the tribe. we'll have more on this tomorrow, but after the first taste of what seeing what it means to be in the tribe, there is a lot of anticipation, that will only grow exponentially tomorrow.

Dinner: Little Ceaser's Pizza
Weather: Mostly Clear 70 degrees (but feels much cooler.)


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