Camp Geiger June 23rd

"I can feel it, coming in the air tonight...." - Phil Collins

The big night is upon us. The boys who are already in Mic-O-Say are getting into their regalia now in anticipation of the big event. Lots of boys are getting more and more excited as the moment gets closer. There is much hope and anticipation in the air. Those in Mic-O-Say depart for the big event.

On a quick note, today was a big mountain boarding day for the older scouts. It's like a skateboard with giant wheels that you use to "surf" down the giant hills here at Geiger. Robby Barry, below, was doing a great job....

until his last run, when he fell. Robby and adult leaders took him to the doctor to get him checked out and it turns out it's a mild sprain. He's already on his feet again.

At dinner tonight was the big King Peewee crowning, the contest where we find the smallest scout in camp (based on weight). We were two time defending champs, and although young Chad represented Troop 451 proudly, he was undone by a much more (or less) opponent. Way to represent Chad!

Dinner: Hamburgers, fries
Weather: Clear and 78 degrees.


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