Camp Geiger, June 22nd 7:47am

"Change in the weather, change in the weather..." - John Fogarty

Afther the proverbial gullywasher we went through last night, a cold front came through the area leaving temps in the upper 70's with a very brisk wind. Although there was one brief shower during the day, these nice cool temps were a welcome change from the previous days when the weather was something like south Florida, only with no beaches.

You know those long pants and light jackets, you helped your sons pack? They usually sit in the bottom of the foot locker for the duration of camp, soaking up the moisture of bathing suits and socks that have been worn for three days straight. But not today! We woke up this morning with temps in the upper 50's and a strong wind (that kept many awake last night), and everyone was loving it. The morning starts off with eyes being rubbed, meds being handed out, and getting everyone ready for breakfast.

A Scout is Clean

Each day waiters are assigned for duty. Their job is to get to the dining hall early, set the table and bring the food out for everyone sitting at their table. They are also responsible for getting seconds and then cleaning up after the meals are done. Every scout takes a turn.

Today the scouts will continue to work on merit badges and trail to first class. The real treat comes tonight's "Family night". In the past, the families to come visit have been sparse (a 9 hour drive could do that). This year we're expecting a bumper crop. And all who are here will be treated to an excellent presentation at the Council Ring camp fire tonight. This will be the first time the younger scouts will see the Tribe of Mic-O-Say. Mic-O-Say is the honor camping society exclusive Geiger. It is an honor to belong, and tomorrow we'll have more boys and adults being tapped into the tribe. But more on that later.

Breakfast today: Pancakes, bacon, cereal, fruit, yogurt.
Weather at 7:47 - 64 degrees with stiff breeze and cloudy


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