2010 Summer Camp Recap and Thank You

There have been several events that occurred over the past several weeks that have caused me to reflect on the events of my life over these past 12 years in scouting, 18 years at Grace Baptist Church and 20+ years with my children. I can give you more specifics to the church and family, but wanted to focus on scouting in this note.

For summer camp this year, we came to the Arapaho campsite as we have for the past several years and there at the head of the dining fly area was a picnic table with a star and Lewisville, Texas router-ed into the center board of the table. This was one of the 2x10s that Troop 451 donated to the camp in 2002 for the old council ring. The camp had asked troops to donate boards rather than sit on the ground for opening camp fire and Wednesday night activities in the old council ring. Bill Webber and I routered a couple boards all those years gone by. I can still remember the hot afternoon and the sawdust all over the place as we worked behind the campmaster building (now the new trading post area).

This was just a start of a great week. We soon realized the tasks for the week was going to a little larger than expected as we were asked to build the tapping fire, the handicap deck was replaced by two elevated shot gun decks on the new course, and of course we still wanted to add our annual flag pole. This time the flag pole was to be installed in the new campsite, just reopened, at the end of the ridge (Navaho). As in true Troop 451 spirit, the adults quickly jumped into action. With the help of the John Clawson and Larry Means, the projects were quickly underway.

Leo and others drove to a sawmill in the Penske and picked up a load of skirting material, several took there turns on the chain saws (after proper training of course), and by Tuesday evening the tapping fire was pretty much complete awaiting on the final touches by our four firebuilders.

Richard led another group of adults on the decks while we worked on the tapping fire. As we had time, we joined in to drive lag bolts, etc. After taking a little break on Thursday, the team got almost complete on Friday with both decks. Larry Means would have other volunteers put on the final touches and handrails later in the camping season.

Other activities were the normal supervision duties – banking, medics, advancement, communications, photography, sun watcher, etc. Leo took care of the flag pole. I am sorry to say I do not know who helped on that effort. All these tasks took place as normal with care for the boys.

Finally, as we came to the tapping and advancement ceremonies, I believe the camp really put forth a tremendous effort to recognize our troop. 15 youth and 4 adults were added to Mic-O-Say, Richard and Scott were awarded the White Coop for service to scouting and Mic-O-Say, Ethan and Brad were awarded the Silver Coop for leadership in the ceremony team/dance district, Josh was advanced to our first Keeper, and finally, I was advanced to Sachem. As I stood there before Ken Baker, Chief Little Pack Rock, I could not help but think of the teamwork from the week and the 10 years that we have been attending Camp Geiger.

From my first days with Kevin Gibson and Bill Webber, those that have been added and left over the years, to the excited group of youth and adults that are our current active troop members; thank you. Thank you for your participation, your efforts, your mentorship, your leadership, your teamwork to add to the scouting experience we have been able to provide to the many youth that have been part of Troop 451. As I have told many perspective parents as they visit out troop, I believe the key to out troop is the comradeship of our adults over the years. To a person, I believe each has put the program for the boys above their own glory or recognition. Again, thank you.

The week ended just as high as we had started and progressed during the week - with the individual scout awards, clean sweep award for the troop, sharpest unit for the troop and safely returning all scouts home (with no hospital runs this time).

Thanks again for a great summer camp.

Gary Lueking

Assistant Scoutmaster

‘Sachem Big Spirit Mist’


Here are just a few stats on the concept of teamwork for our troop:

39 Eagle Scouts (per Mr. Moore, several more in line for 2010 and early 2011)

126 Mic-O-Say members – 82 youth, 44 adults

103 OA members – 86 youth, 17 adults, 19 brotherhood

14 summer camps (10 Camp Geiger, MO; 3 Camp Dobbins, CO; 1 Camp Cherokee, TX)

Many other exciting trips – Philmont, Big Bend, Arkansas, Colorado, Sid Richardson water camp, etc.

Finally, here is a thought from one young man that that was in our troop for only a short time. He did not make it to eagle, was not in OA nor Mic-O-Say, came from a broken home and related this to another church member in his neighborhood (I may not have this word perfect) – “The adults from the scout troop that meets at your church took us to summer camp at Camp Geiger. We had a great week. It will be a time I will never forget.”


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